Hi Phoenix, I am in Rosz' camp as well, just am not quite as brave, though, as I said, it is getting better (with the help of my wonderful Hubby and the time I spent with a therpist). I was always afraid if I did stand up for myself, I would not be loved any longer or be shut down or punished in some way. The times I have voiced my disapproval or disagreement with others than my husband (he's safe, you see) have worked out well and it makes me stronger for the next time. But I waft in and out of that bravery and when I manage to do it and it turns out well, I keep on asking my husband about it afterward (did I really do ok, etc.).
Just had an instance with my sister yesterday where she lied to me and I stood up to her about it and when she tried to defend herself by projecting her guilt back onto me, I very calmly told her I didn't buy it and that what she did was wrong, etc. I love my sister very much, we have never had a fight in our entire lives together, so this was very painful for me, and I am just now starting to calm down. But I am happy with how I handled it. I am growing by bits and starts.
I have been standing up for my sister and my brother my entire life, it is standing up for myself that I have trouble with. I always want to retreat back into my safe mode for fear of what? Everything that happened to me in my childhood comes into play as I'm making that split second decision on what to do.
I do, however, practice complete "ignore" and "no contact" with my two N ex-husbands since my children are now grown men. Am going to have to practice that with my N son as well, once he decides to contact me again when he's hit bottom of whatever mess he is apt to be in by now.