Author Topic: Yesterday  (Read 6735 times)


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« on: February 10, 2007, 08:42:35 AM »
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 02:37:24 PM by CB123 »
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010

Gaining Strength

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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2007, 09:33:41 AM »
CB123 - Perhaps he chose Tuesday just to avoid the deadline on Wednesday.  Call your attorney first thing on Monday!!!  Depending on the laws in your state, your husband could be jeopardizing his claims on the marital estate by abandonment.

My heart goes out to you concerning your daughter.  It is very common for offspring, especially female offspring, to feel abandoned when a father leaves and becomes romantically interested in someone else, especially if that father has been emotionally abusive.  Underlying that feeling is abandonment - and it is not the present abandoment, it is the summoning up of the real emotional abandonment that has already occurred.  Her mind is rapping it around her unconscious fears that he might have anothe family that he will treat well. What she is dealing with has far more to do with the emotional abandoment that she has already experienced but it is being placed on what is happening right now. 

Perhaps you can have sympathy for her as you would if she had lost a pet who was a real stress for you to care for (her loss your gain) or a friendship that she mourned but you knew was best ended.  I know you can find a way to tend to her loss even when the same event is your gain.  Just mentally sever them.  Think of it as her loss of "Father" in the abstract sense rather than the particular man who happens to be her father and your soon to be ex-h.

Just a suggestion to help in a terribly difficult situation.  I expect the fact that you are left to pick up the pieces for all the children is another part that is guiling.  There are so many hurtful parts to your situation.  I pray that your husbands "disappearance" will actully work to your benefit legally. 

Keep pouring out your anger here.  It can help and we can hold your burden with you. - your friend - Gaining Strength


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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2007, 09:46:06 AM »

Depending on the laws in your state, your husband could be jeopardizing his claims on the marital estate by abandonment.

I pray that your husbands "disappearance" will actully work to your benefit legally. 

Could well be a case of 'things working to the good', as he dealt with your settlement unkindly and unfairly (putting it mildly), sometimes, we don't know why things happen they way they do, then look back and see that there was a reason, and it worked for the good - our good. 

In my thoughts and prayers,

Leah xx

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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2007, 11:26:56 AM »

Call your attorney first thing on Monday!!! Depending on the laws in your state, your husband could be jeopardizing his claims on the marital estate by abandonment.

Do not take this suggestion lightly. He is feeling the pressure and relieving it by doing something irresponsible and stupid. Since he has essentially stolen a good portion of your inheritance through what amounts to extortion he may, and I stress may, be giving you an opportunity to address that wrong.

Jesus said be wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove. Perhaps you can do both at once here.



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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2007, 12:23:30 PM »
Dear CB.
What a fathead.

Attorneys make big bucks. I say call him TODAY. He may have some action he thinks of that could be legally important for you, such as a warning letter to xN to not leave without responding to xyz.

Or not, but on the chance there might be a legal ramification that could work to your advantage that your lawyer would need more than a few hours to prepare...I'd go ahead and call him now. (You never know, he may have planned to leave without a word to you, but emailed you on the advice of HIS attorney. Stay alert. Don't trust. Call your lawyer, imnno...)

Seriously. It's not a crime to call these high-paid folks on weekends in an urgent scenario. I think your stbxN's actions do demand urgent legal awareness. There may be nothing needs doing, but in case it's an opportunity, I wouldn't let the day-of-the-week custom get in the way.

love to you,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2007, 03:24:41 PM »

It's not a crime to call these high-paid folks on weekends in an urgent scenario.

You're assuming she has his home phone number. She may, but my experience is few lawyers give that out.
Not something you want circulating too widely when you might be representing accused murderers and other delightful citizens.



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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2007, 03:43:44 PM »
Well, you might be right there, Mud.
Hopefully, he may have an answering service that could pass an urgent message?

Anyway, CB, let us know, and I hope you're feeling better since his latest grandiose announcement. I'm very sorry for the frustration and fury you're going through.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2007, 07:13:55 PM »
imnno - in my ___n?___,  ___n?___ opinion

n? what Hops?

(modified after your reply hops)
LOL - never humble heh - LOL
« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 11:02:24 AM by Gaining Strength »


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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2007, 07:19:49 PM »
Whoops, GS...meant to type imnho, "in my never-humble opinion"...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2007, 07:47:58 PM »
CB ,

Some attorneys do not give their home phone numbers out I believe .Mud you are too much!!!!!!!!!!!

But your soon to be ex will suffer the consequences of his actions maybe not right away "but the chickens will come home"

I am so sorry the kids are hurting I know when my oldest girl went thru some rough stuff I suffered so and yet as a parent we must be strong.

CB your ex will have to face his choices regarding you and his kids morally emotionally and legally
"he can try and run"

So much love to you dear  CB



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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2007, 07:37:50 AM »
Oh good, CB.
I am LIKING the sound of this good old boy, your attorney!

For some reason I am liking the sound of this whole thing.

You have been an absolute champion.

You keep your BP down, now, dear, hear?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2007, 02:41:41 PM »

I am so glad you posted this.  Always, just always expect the worst.  Him and his bloody adventure.  How they treat their children is so disgusting.  I am so sorry for your kids.  Hope there will be an avalanche at the ski resort and ..........  you fill in the blanks. 

Thinking of you with love



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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2007, 09:39:30 PM »

Maybe someone has already said this...He can run, but he can't hide!   

I think, sometimes these judges issue warrants for people who don't show up to hearings.  I know all too well.  I have been served with several as my NH has ducked out of hearing after hearing for his debts he refuses to pay. He hides, and I get served!  Fun.    Usually they don't mean much, but they are a bit un-nerving to get served with so maybe it will scare him a bit.

Probably you have already discussed this with attorney, I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and wishing you the best.  Sometimes when we lose, we win--eh?  It takes hindsight to see it clearly.  Let him bury himself.  Sounds like visitation might not be so much a problem if he is not around.  Can the attorney file for keeping your son in your state?  Hope so.  But he might get too distacted with his new N supply soon to make much hassle there.  Hope so.  Hope so.  Hope so!

Plow on, baby!  Plow on!



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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2007, 09:47:17 PM »
What a jerkola!!!! What a swine. I wish I could add more words, CB, but I don't want to turn this into a nasty-word page. Though he deserves it!!!!!

What a great attorney you have!!!! It sounds like you are safe with him and he will do his best for you!!!!

Maybe it is a blessing your husband is showing his rotten side... it'll look great in the courts.

Love to you and your family!!
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Yesterday
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2007, 09:56:01 PM »
CB ,

Lets hope beyond the winning and losing beyond this there is a place where everyones needs get met.
The ones that get hurt are the children.I wish everyone understood this....
Some parents will understand their children's needs some will not understand well at all ............................some just do not have a clue...
I hope your children are going to be having an easier time .How is your son doing?
And I hope your ex will realize it 's his kids feelings that count.......

Blessings to you CB
« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 01:11:59 AM by moonlight »