Boundaries has always been a scary term for me. I have this connotation with boundaries equating pushiness.
Izzy, I hope you don't mind, but I am going to use your story to illustrate what I have figured out. And I hope the rest of you don't mind if what I say sounds like common sense... I'm hoping someone out there is as slow to catch on to these things as I am and maybe it will light a bulb for some other soul

At any rate, Izzy told her story about the gentleman who kept talking to her so that (being in her wheelchair) she had to strain her neck to look up to him to respond and maintain eye contact. She said she moved back a few times, but he kept closing in. Finally, she explained that it was uncomfortable for her to talk that way and explained the proper distance needed for a person in a wheelchair.
My instinct was to say, "Well, he just didn't think about it and hadn't probably come across the situation before. Maybe he thought being close to her would make her feel more comfortable."
I missed the point entirely. The point is, Izzy took control of the situation, explained her need, the matter was resolved and the boundary set.
I think I just have this need sometimes to place "blame" in a stiuation where no blame is needed. No one did anything bad here. There was an issue and it was resolved. Period. No emotion needed (except elation for Izzy as she dealt so well with it

Thanks for listening to my "light bulb" moment.
Love, Beth