Dear Guest and HGuest,
Glad you like my idea about the scientific study.
The REALLY cool thing about it is this: Not only is is practical in it quite immediate ability to disconnect you from your "hooked" state with your N's phoniness, BUT it also will help you identify those "hooks" that an N HAS which attract you in the first place!
Is it something about the way he walks? Stands? Looks -- does he look lonely? Sad? Does he have bedroom eyes? Does he look at you real sexy? What? Something about his hairline? Something about the clothes he wears? (I really dug guys who wore wool plaid lumberjack jackets!) Does he drive a car/van/truck? Something about that make/model/color? Something about the WAY he drives the car?
Be VERY, VERY ANALYTICAL. How does he hold his hands, wrists, elbows, neck, jaw, feet, torso, lips, teeth, as compared with other men?
Once you figure this out, you can use these very things to be what's called "aversion therapy" on yourself, so that when you see another guy coming who displays some of these things, even though will you likely feel the instant "thrill", you can then CLAMP DOWN on yourself and say, "DANGER!!!!"
This is what I have done. It works better every time. I still got trapped a LITTLE BIT, but I never got as thickly involved;I was able to disconnect in MINUTES or hours, rather than days or weeks with guys like that!