Is there any way you could go on a trip?
Could you visit your daughter?
Sometimes the physical removal of travel can be such a help for regaining emotional distance.
You are so wise to say you need to not be in contact with people who do you harm.
I sometimes resorted to private reminders such as, HE HURTS ME, posted on ALL my telephones.
I couldn't go into a "fugue state" and lull myself back into trance and make the call without intentionally stepping over that boundary.
If one thing posted wouldn't work, I'd do more.
Write in soap on my bathroom mirror. Put a note on my dashboard (driving's a great place for fugue-ing), in my purse, on the inside of my doors, wherever and however many it takes.
There is no reminder/prompt/crutch/affirmation/billboard I wouldn't use again if I ever needed to to keep me away from an N.
I sure don't judge you for slipping, hon. BEEN THERE.
Maybe it would help to try to bust out of your isolation some. Even a volunteer activity. Some busy group where you'd be occupied with your hands and have pleasant people around you, get focused on something else a few times a week.
You feeling any better now? SO glad you're keeping your kitty.