Hi guys. Thanks for the inquiries. You guys are so sweet

. I work close to the Ground Zero sight, and at time worked within the buildings, but wasn't in the building at the time. Wildflower, can you imagine? You and I have probably passed each other by and didn't know it.
Anyway, the day of I took an unusually early assignment, usually I start at 10:00 a.m. but went in to work on that day for 9:00 a.m. I got off the train just in time to see the second plane strike the building. But our vantage point was at enough of a distance that we thought it was like a news copter or something.
Anyway the soot thing. I went into work like nothing was wrong. New Yorkers can jump over a dead body and thing nothing of it, we're dissenticized to violence, just as long as we're not late for work. Now that's unacceptable. I was told, somethings going on in Washington, too. No work today. So I thought to myself, great, I'll go the gym. On my way out, they were evacuating the Court House to the cellar. I have HUGE control issues, and being locked into a cellar is a no, no for me.
I said to myself, literally, "You see how people panic for no reason." I was so calm and cool and impressed with myself. Well, the people were yelling and running the opposite direction of where I was walking. I was actually walking, Duh! in the direction of the WTC, which was about five minutes away. Seconds later, the sky darkened.
It was like a scene out of some Sci-Fi movies. That's when the first WTC building fell. That's why I was covered with soot. I ended up walking home.
Took me about three hours. But I walk over the bridge all the time, so that wasn't the horrible part. But you know what, I don't know what was in that soot, but I was sick for days after. Maybe post traumatic shock?
Anyway the N I was invovled with at the time NEVER asked how I was. NEVER called. And it's funny ,because his mother, who enabled and coddled him to no end, actually called me to tell me thank God, my son wasn't working ( I got rid of him because he WOULDN'T work); never asked after me as well. So I said Well, he's an able bodied young man, why doesn't he go down and join the rescue effort, it's not like he's doing anything. Needless to say, I never heard from her again.
As for the 13 year old juvenile delinquent turned N, he is very abusive to his son -- always trying to make him into a "man", which is heart breaking because the son is really passive by nature and what he's doing is only making him even more sensitive. But of course doesn't see it.
He's a true Archie Bunker. Don't like nobody! And of course, everyone is out to make a quick buck, everyone is plotting and planning. No one has any good motives, and I'm such a niave "woman" to believe there's good in the world, God bless my little soul.