thank YOU for being so open about your struggle. I, too, have been reading CHILDREN OF THE SELF-ABSORBED, and I have some advice for you.
If the people in my life, who have been pathological narcissists, were to come to me and say what you have said, what I would tell them is, first of all, to pray and ask God, in Jesus' name, to help them change. Secondly, I'd suggest that they take one thing at a time, starting with the thing in them that needs the least amount of changing, and work on learning what the opposite feels like. N'ism is about maladaptive behaviors that CAN be changed over time, in my opinion.
For instance, you may have a tendency of PROJECTING onto others what you do not want to feel. You need to get alone by yourself, explore just one feeling at a time, find out the definition of that feeling, think about what it means to you, try and see if feeling that feeling was somehow FORBIDDEN in your past, or if feeling it, caused you to believe a certain way about yourself, etc. Once you have established this, talk to some safe people about how it is to actually FEEL that feeling, rather than to stuff it down or project it onto others.
Say you do not allow yourself to become angry. Look up the word ANGER in the dictionary. Think about why you stuff it down or project it (I will NOT become angry because it means I lose control and then I look stupid to others and I cannot do that cause it means that my mother will look bad, and she will hate me if I make her look bad in how she raised me). So, now you tell yourself, "It is ok to become angry. My mother will not die if I express anger in a healthy way. Even if my mother hates me, I will not die, because I'm not an extension of her.")
Next, you learn what it feels like to ACT angry. You clench your fists, grit your teeth, stomp, scream, shake, etc, in a safe area of your house where nobody will freak out, but where you can unleash your feelings. Take a chair, pretend someone you are upset with, is in the chair. YELL AT THE CHAIR WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT...FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL THE ANGER AND PAIN. LET IT COME OUT! Write down your experience, feelings, as you are doing all this, so you can understand what you go through when you do not hold in the feelings or project them onto someone.
This was just 1 instance and example of what you could do. Take each thing that you struggle with, and re-learn how to FEEL. At the basis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, is a false-image and need to not feel feelings.
Hope it helps.