You guys are right. I don't believe they can be healed. It would take actually going in and repairing their brains. It's so funny, how they all have similar characteristics, like people with Parkinsons, or other disorders, there are distinct characteristics that come with the disorders. So I think that Narcissism should be classified as an actual DISEASE.
The movie Dawn of the Dead is coming out this weekend I think. And I was thinking about how alot of classic narcissists resemble them. They don't seem to serve much purpose, except to gratify themselves, and they cause much carnage and destruction with the people they come in contact with. THANKFULLY yours doesn't have a vehicle, Kelly. Mine has one, which sucks. He works hard to not have to work, he says he has a job, driving a limo, on the weekends, then sits at home all week online trying to hook up with women, using his kids for the glory of being able to say "I HAVE CUSTODY OF MY KIDS". While they go without clothes, proper nutrition, and for God's sake, toilet paper. The kids complained they had nothing to wipe with for 5 days, and their little butts were covered with feces. They didn't have a bath for 5 days either. Their Mom called DFACS. Did no good. I guess I stay in contact for the kids, but I need to let go.
I called his bluff on the phone bill, told him I had a copy and KNEW that I didnt owe all the money he said I owed. He agreed, since this week he isn't struggling for money, he didnt have much of a reason to argue.
Sorry to go ona nd on like this guys, but it feels so good to get it all out with others who understand. I hope I can help you guys in some way as well. We all need to start a Narcissist annual get together. A pow wow of sorts! I think I might try to start that!!!!!
But guys, has it been hard for you, to break away? I get confused, it's as though he pulls me in, spits me out over and over again, and I feel like an emotional basket case. he's nice, then mean, nice, then mean. It's like an addiction. I just can't break away completely!
Wildflower, Kelly, thanks for the advice and concern. I hop everyone is having a great day today. As for me? It's another day of him manipulating and me falling for it.
If anyone knows of a good way to get out of this craziness, please let me know.