Hi Lupita,
I am 67 and have spent 37 of those years in a wheelchair. (Well it will be 38 years this year when I turn 68.) I am a senior citizen.
I didn't/don't have near the opportuntie as you do. So think about that.
I was downtown today and wanted a pamphlet from a display. I had to ask a passer-by for Help, as the lid to the top row was too high for me.
I also have to ask for help from strangers in the grocery store because top shelves are too high.
I live alone and work alone at home. I chat, for short times with strangers on the street, or store clerks, and sometimes with a workmate. Mainly the workmates email me as I require in writing what I am asked to do.
Some places are inaccessible, like the United Chuch, just a block away. Oh! It has a ramp, I will grant you, but the ramp goes to a locked door. Rather than become upset over things like this, I stay at home.
I have a car and drive to places I know are accessible and my car is the equalizer on the streets, highways and byways.
My daughter was raised by a mother in a wheelchair (from age 6). Was I a shame to her? I don't know but we are now partially estranged and have been since she was 18-19. She is now 42 and I have 3 grandchildren I don't know.
Fear of the unknown? Well, to me that is for when I die alone. I feel I must find some stranger, maybe in a Funeral Home, who will see that I am cremated and ........................................................................
Meanwhile I keep on keeping on!
Sometimes I think that whatever happens is meant to be..............think about this..................
I was an office worker, just Grade 13 Education in 1956. Look at thiings today!!!! Where would I be, still being an office worker, at less that $100.00 per week, no computer experience, whatever.
On my own I learned computer and have been able to survive because I was in that car crash that broke my back, and I sued for damages. Then I could raise my daughter, buy us a house, buy myself a computer, and live the rest of my life without having to worry about jobs, BUT which would anyone prefer???--money or abillty to walk/hike/dance/swim/dive/vacuum/move furniture/dust the chandelier/have a stand-up shower instead of a bath/and on and on......................
Walking or not we can become depressed, so I hope you think about all the positives in your life.. make a list and be thankful
Best Wishes