Author Topic: My Saturday Present to Me  (Read 2789 times)


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My Saturday Present to Me
« on: February 24, 2007, 09:10:09 AM »
I really must get my sleepy self out of this bed! But before I go, I wanted to start a new topic simply because I'll be delighted to read any random thoughts any of y'all have about it. I just made it up but I kind of like it. (It'll be a treat waiting for me this evening.) XXOO--Hops

Love is a behavior that is sometimes accompanied by feelings of love, and sometimes not.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2007, 09:26:32 AM »
Love is the diseave of nature for the reproduction of the species.
We make a desertion to behave in a way toward a person. That does not mean we love that person. Sometimes we behave badly toward a person despite we love that person.
If there was not the intense feeling of love there would not be more births, labor is painful, an when love controls the brain we are in deep trouble. Most of people try to avoid the consequences of love. Like having children.
I am not making any sense, but still will post it.


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 11:03:35 AM »

Love is a behavior that is sometimes accompanied by feelings of love, and sometimes not.

Hi Hops,

Just got back from a lovely walk in the brisk sunshine ....... snowdrops and daffodils greeting me along my merry way  :)

Interesting one ....... Well personally .....

I think that ... Love is felt, expressed and implied.

C.S. Lewis wrote a book on the Four Loves ..... from the greek origin meaning of love, of which there are four words ....

Storge -  Affection ....  is fondness through familiarity, especially between family members or people who have otherwise found themselves together by chance

Phillia   -  Friendship .... is a strong bond existing between people who share a common interest or activity.

Eros    -  Eros ............ is love in the sense of 'being in love'.

Agapē -  Charity ......... is a love directed towards one's neighbor which does not depend on any lovable qualities that the object of love possesses. Lewis recognizes this as the greatest of loves, and sees it as a specifically Christian virtue.

Love built on a foundation of ...... Agape, Storga, Philia and Eros ...... will remain ......... regardless of fluctuating feelings.

Well that's my heartfelf thoughts on the subject and my ....... Hope!!


« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 02:09:14 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2007, 12:33:04 PM »
One rarely gets a chance to talk about love.

It is just a word.  People bring their own meaning to it.
I agree with Lupita when she says that love can be a trick of mother nature to get us to hav children.  Love can drag us into all kinds of thngs.
I think the four kinds of love helps to explain love. Love is too big a word and we need lots of words for it.

To me love is kindness and forgiveness.

Sea storm


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2007, 01:07:19 PM »
Love is a behavior that is sometimes accompanied by feelings of love, and sometimes not.
I Love the Stephen King the author. He can actually captures my mind; his clever writings can actually place me in the story as if I’m watching it in a movie/TV. The word love here and accompanied by my feeling would mean. Great Enjoyment/Entertained. So I guess it’s with feeling.  Had a good feeling got pleasure out of something.

I love that new hair cut on you, love used here, more then like, want to get the point across that it looks great/more then good. So the only feeling would be the word itself here. We associate the word love as something strong/powerful.

Love would you pass me the drink please?  To the wife or children, an affection word, (feeling) to the waiter, a habit word, a polite word.

Don’t you just love it when they say:  But honey, I never lie, I would never lie to you.
Feeling (disgust)

Tennis 40 love
Just a word

Love of family/friends, Intense feelings, protection, enjoyment, would give your life for.
Feelings (priceless) unending feelings.

I would love to see him/her get what she deserves.
Feeling could be a (payback) or (pay off)
Could be felt with revenge or satisfaction
So could be just a word or said with Strong feelings.

You know I had to hit you but it was for your own good, It’s because I love you.
Feelings (hatred, punishment, enjoyment, disgust, polite with there excuse, entertained,
Pleasure, habit, pay back, pay off)  To the abuser(priceless) all those feeling wrapped up into one sentence and disguised by the love word. Used in this sentence  Powerful/intense feelings.

Sometimes love is a behavior with feelings and sometimes it's just a word.

Love Deb.


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2007, 03:22:14 PM »
I just read something. Love is chemical, produced by endorphins, reproducible by cocaine and other drugs that attack the centers of pleasure in the brain. Many drugs are addictive because they antique centers of pleasure in the brain and produce the same sensation of folling in love. That is one of the reasons many men are womanizers, because they need the sensation of falling in love constantly and only having new relationships can produce the endorphins to feel that sensation of being in love. They made an experiment with rats and they had an electrod on the center of pleasure in the brain. They had a lever to pull that electrically stimulated those electrodes. The rats liked so much the pleasure that they got exhausted pulling the lever without eating and just pulling the lever to feel the pleasure. Same as love and falling in love for womanizers.


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2007, 05:47:03 PM »

Hi Lupita,

Amazing that you should write about the chemical change in our body when falling in love, as I have been thinking about that during this last hour, as I remembered ......

Couple of years ago I was given a copy of a thesis to read on the chemical changes in our body when we fall in love.  Can't locate my copy, but it read something along the lines of ................

When two people are attracted to each other, a virtual explosion of adrenaline-like nuerochemicals gush forth. Fireworks explode and we see stars.  PEA or phenylethylamine is a chemical that speeds up the flow of information between nerve cells. Also, involved in chemistry are dopamine and norepinephrine, chemical cousins of amphetamines. 

Dopamine makes us feel good and norepinephrine stimulates the production of adrenaline.  It makes our heart race! These three chemicals combine to give us infatuation or chemistry.  It is why new lovers feel euphoric and energized, and float on air.

Singles search for love armed with a list of qualities desired in a mate/lover, such as honesty, fidelity, loyalty, sense of humor, intelligence, warmth, etc. Yet when that person appears they say, they are really nice, but nothing clicked, just no chemistry. We always seek the chemistry high.

Some people become veritable 'love junkies.' They need chemistry or this chemical excitement to feel happy about and intoxicated by life. Once this initial rush of chemicals wanes their relationship crumbles. They're soon off again, detectives seeking a quick fix to their forlorn feelings: another chemical high from infatuation. These love junkies also have one other problem. The body builds up a tolerance to these chemicals. Then it takes more and more chemistry to bring that special feeling of love. They crave the intoxication of chemistry and infatuation.

Many adults go through life in a series of six-month to three-year relationships that keep them high. If these love junkies stay married, they are likely to seek affairs to fuel their chemical highs.

This thesis was handed out during an awareness seminar relating to victim / relationship abuse .  What was explained and emphaized was this ....

Due to the chemical changes that take place in a woman's body when she meets someone .... chemistry  / falls in love ....

she is unable to register ...... the warnings signals ....... others can see the red flags ....... but she is chemically disabled from recognizing the red flags .........

hence, why woman stay in a abusive relationship ............. whilst outsiders question "why does not not see / leave?"  "is she blind"

.......... when, actually, she is.


Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2007, 06:36:38 PM »
That chemestry, as Lea mentions, is related and triggered many times by men who are similar to our fathers. And many times, because of that, if we had abusive fathers we fall in love with abusive men.
I remember my father in some occations, he hugged me and I felt his alcoholic breath. I felt so confortable in his arms!!!! When I was 15 I had my first boyfriend who was 17. He drank. He had alcoholic breath. I felt so confortable in his arms. The smell made me feel good.


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2007, 06:30:37 AM »
It was very exciting to look forward to read comments about these thoughts. Disappointing it was when very few people was interested on the chemestry. But it is chemestry. That is why antidepressant work, because of chemestry, the same way omeprasole works for gastritis, chemestry, and we have low energy of high energy, chemestry. Come one, friends, let us do some resarch on chemestry!!!! :P


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2007, 02:03:14 PM »
Throughout history, mankind has deemed the heart the center of love. But scientists tell us love is all in our mind or brain. And fueled by chemicals and chemistry.


When two people are attracted to each other, a virtual explosion of adrenaline-like nuerochemicals gush forth. Fireworks explode and we see stars. PEA or phenylethylamine is a chemical that speeds up the flow of information between nerve cells.

Also, involved in chemistry are dopamine and norepinephrine, chemical cousins of amphetamines. Dopamine makes us feel good and norepinephrine stimulates the production of adrenaline. It makes our heart race!

These three chemicals combine to give us infatuation or "chemistry." It is why new lovers feel euphoric and energized, and float on air. It is also why new lovers can make love for hours and talk all night for weeks on end.

This is the chemistry or the love sparks we all seek.

Actually when we have chemistry with someone, it's not exactly flattering. In fact, some might call it insulting.

Why? According to Harville Hendrix our brain dumps PEA when we identify someone who can:

1. Finish our childhood business.
2. Give us back what we lost to the socialization process of growing up.
Singles search for love armed with a list of qualities desired in a mate/lover, such as honesty, fidelity, loyalty, sense of humor, intelligence, warmth, etc. Yet when that person appears they say, He/she is a really nice person, but nothing clicked, just no "chemistry."

Unfortunately, we hear that click when we recognize our original parent/child situation. That's when our brain really gets those phenylethylamines and other chemicals moving.

Some people become veritable love junkies. They need chemistry or this chemical excitement to feel happy about and intoxicated by life. Once this initial rush of chemicals wanes (inevitable after six months to three years, depending on the individual and the circumstances), their relationship crumbles. They're soon off again, detectives seeking a quick fix to their forlorn feelings: another chemical high from infatuation.

These love junkies also have one other problem. The body builds up a tolerance to these chemicals. Then it takes more and more chemistry to bring that special feeling of love. They crave the intoxication of chemistry and infatuation.

Many adults go through life in a series of six-month to three-year relationships. If these love junkies stay married, they are likely to seek affairs to fuel their chemical highs.
Only about three percent of mammals are monogamous, mating and bonding with one partner for life. Unfortunately, scientists tell us humans are not one of these naturally monogamous mammals.

Maybe a few injections of vasopressin would help us. It has been called the monogamy chemical.

By isolating male voles before and after mating, scientists found that lifelong mating could be linked to the action of vasopressin. Before mating, the male vole is friendly to male and female voles alike. Within 24 hours after mating, the male vole is hooked for life.

When the chemical vasopressin kicks in, he is indifferent to all females but one. He is also totally aggressive to other males with a classic exhibition of the jealous husband syndrome.


The chemical oxytocin has been termed the cuddling chemical. Linked to milk production in women, oxytocin makes women and men calmer and more sensitive to the feelings of others.

It plays an important role in romantic love as a sexual arousal hormone that signals orgasm and prompts cuddling between lovers before, during, and after lovemaking.

Oxytocin production is derived from both emotional and physical cues. A lover's voice, his/her certain look, or even a sexual fantasy can trigger the release of oxytocin.


When infatuation subsides, a new group of chemicals takes over. This new type of chemical reward is created by endorphins.

These morphine-like opiates calm and reassure with intimacy, dependability, warmth, and shared experiences. Not as exciting or as stressful as PEA, but steadier and more addictive.

The longer two people have been married, the more likely it is that they'll stay married. In part, they become addicted to the endorphins and marital serenity. It is the absence of endorphins that make long-time partners yearn for each other when apart. Absent endorphins also play a part in grief from the death of a spouse.

According to Mark Goulston, M.D., professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles, "Adrenaline-based love is all about ourselves, we like being in love. With endorphins, we like loving."

Found this interesting article makes alot of sense to me.
Yes Lupita I agree it is chemistry

Love Deb


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2007, 02:04:39 PM »
Oh debizzle is me debkor.

Love Deb


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2007, 02:34:36 PM »
Do they sell bottled vasopressin?

Or does anybody know a nice single middle-aged vole?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2007, 02:44:03 PM »
Hey Hops,

I don't know any vole but I do know I have had a long lasting relationship with Reeses!  I could fix you up with Hersehy or maybe even Dove bars.

Love Deb


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2007, 06:28:26 PM »
It is unbelievable how this morning it was a major accomplishment to get up and go to work. I did not want to see these pricks. My legs were difficult to move. My arms were extremely heavy. I wanted that the earth to swallow me. After they started working I just felt different. Just that small success gave me enough adrenaline to go through the day with a smile and working hard. One small success, minimum, very small, but it kicked up my chemistry. It is six thirty in the evening, and I am full of energy. I am going to the university to listen a concert by my son. I will put make up. I feel well. After 10 hours or work. Just the small success of the morning produced so much either adrenaline or dopamine.


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Re: My Saturday Present to Me
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2007, 06:32:48 PM »


So pleased you have this wonderful energy and are smiling  :)

Your good day has made me smile too.

I am sure you will look lovely with your make up on and just know that you will have a lovely evening at the concert with your son.


Leah x

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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