As I again read these posts that come up every once in a while, I have to put in my two cents.
Narcissists can NOT love, period. That receptor in their brain never connected way back when. They are incapable of loving anything other than a false-image of themselves or the cartoon-versions that they believe they have succeeded in creating of others. As painful as it may sound to some of you, especially those whose parents are pathological, full-fledged N's, they do not, did not and, barring a miracle of God, will not ever know how to love you. It's hard, it's cold, but it's sadly the truth.
So, to the one on here who said your mother remarried, had a girl child and loves that child...please don't kid yourself. She does NOT. She may treat that child better, even imitating some loving gestures, but if your "mother" (I say that loosely), is a true pathological narcissist, 100%, she does not love that child; she merely goes through motions.
Remember though...that's on THEM not you. You didn't do anything to cause them NOT to love you. You just were born and raised by a self-absorbed person, who GOD is the only one that can change them.