Just an item in my days and a test of my anger and assertiveness.I build the website for an organization. It is in constant need of additions and deletions and 3 semesters a year of Courses posted. The numbering of the courses caused much delay, work, errors etc.
There was a meeting and it was
etched in stone that the Courses held in the 3 classroooms be pre-numered
1 through 45.
3 times a day x 3 classrooms= 9, x 5 days a week =45 Any courses held offsite would begin with #46.
The woman who does the Newsletter, just a hard copy of what I do, receives all the info first and for these Spring Courses she has changed the numbering system on her own. She is throwing off my website work. All she has to do is skip using 3 numbers each day as there are only 2 times per day this spring. (The participants/students don't give a damn about numers. They say,"Where is Jhe Mah-Jong class?" not "Where is
thirty-seven -O-7-W?" The numbering is administration only.
I am sticking up for me and she is flattering me silly about how great I am and I will do this for her as she has already done her time table the new way.
It was this morning that I wrote "
that we stick to what was decided at that meeting, as I have the website and linking to deal with as when I received all her flattery last night (and another this morning) I was so angry, I turned of the computer, went to bed to read, and deal with it today, which I did without anger.
Just awaiting her response.