I'd have to agree with you on what you posted here. Excessive adoration of a child, spoiling with material things, letting them join every club and organization, and telling them how much better than the other children they are, most likely produce a self-absorbed, self-centered child who looks down on everyone else.
The main issue of Narcissistic Personality Disorder though, is that, not only was the child spoiled rotten and overly praised, they also were made to be just what the parent wanted them to be. Even if they had no interest in playing piano, football, dancing, etc, the parent wanted to personally look good, so they trained the child to be just exactly what they wanted (maybe what the parent didn't get to become themselves)
Another issue of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, is that the child was often NEGLECTED or ignored, when he/she did not act exactly as the parent expected of them. The child learned that, in order to gain approval of authorities, he must "behave" a certain way at all times, or face wrath. If the child dared to question this, he was met with a reply such as "because I SAID so, that's why!" He wasn't allowed to probe into his own world, and figure out WHY he always had to wear certain clothes, say certain things, or especially, WHY DID MOTHER CARE SO DANG MUCH IF I HAD MY HANDS FOLDED AND WAS SILENT IN PUBLIC, or not. Usually she would tell the child, "hush now, you don't want Mommy to look bad, now do you?"
In other words, in my opinion, NPD results from a so-called parent thinking life is always meant to be ALL ABOUT ME, and having no regard of the child as even EXISTING, WORTHY or HUMAN>