Author Topic: My Story  (Read 1966 times)


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My Story
« on: February 27, 2007, 11:31:16 AM »
It’s an answer to prayer that I found this website and forum.  I have two narcissists in my life -- one is my husband whom I’ve been with 15 years, the other my stepmother who has been with my father for 20 years.  It’s taken me a very long time to finally see that that is what they are and to begin to make sense of many things in my life.   With my husband, I’ve always felt blown off, that who I am and what I want does not matter.  My sole purpose is to take care of the menial things he’s too important to do, cater to his whims and bail him out of messes.  I’ve felt ignored, angry and crazy.  He’s hugely irresponsible and does not have much of a conscience.  He is king of  blame, avoid, deny.  He lives in a little bubble which cannot be tampered with at all, especially with reality.  People and circumstances must conform to his world.  I feel I suffer alone because he is very likable.  He gets along well with people and he’s very funny and fun, but there’s very little depth to him at all.   I would even say that beyond that persona, there is very little to him at all.   

He usually ignores what I do or what I’m interested in and is “supportive” as long as it doesn’t cost him anything and it does not interfere with who he thinks I should be.  He  has in the past, however, sobotaged things that I’ve wanted to do (like go for my master’s degree) in a very passive, subtle way.  At the same time he ignores me, I also feel he wants to suck all the emotional energy out of me.  Just his mere presence in a room is so demanding -- I find I make little eye contact with him.  I struggle immensely with the relationship that is (or isn’t) developing between him and our five year old son.  I don’t know whether it would be better for him to stay or leave.  My husband has a 20 year old daughter who he abandoned when she was four.  He owes a substantial amount of child support to her mother and I’m sure his daughter has lots of hurt and pain associated with his absence in her life.  I’m not sure which is worst -- being with him or not with him.  I stay because I like being a stay-at-home-mom, I’m afraid of what’s out there, and I’m not sure I could support us.

We’ve been for counseling more than once (at my insistence), but it’s changed nothing.  In fact, he would use things I’d share during our sessions against me later to prove our problems are my fault and that I’m defective.  His narcissism became worse (if that’s possible) when he finally found success in a career (he’s in sales) and when he got “saved” three years ago.  I admit I had an inkling of hope when, in his words, he decided to follow the Lord.  Nothing about his character has changed, in fact, he’s even more assured of his importance and I can tell he believes he’s arrived spiritually, financially and socially.  I’ve struggled with anger toward God -- it would seem even He mocked my pain by allowing my husband to rise to positions of importance within religious rganizations.  However, I feel deep inside that God is leading me down the path of healing. 

My first moment of seeing that I’m not crazy was when I came upon an article online that talked about narcissism and about how others felt being in relationship with narcissists.  I wept.  These people were describing exactly how I was feeling -- I was not alone and there was something to call it.  However, not being a therapist, I retained some doubts.  My husband and I were in counseling together for the second time since our son had been born (he was three at the time).  Our counselor suggested we each also do individual work and she referred me to a woman who had ironically counselled us together before so there was some groundwork already in place.   With my new insight, I asked this counselor if she thought my husband was narcissistic.  I was so nervous and afraid to ask that question because a part of me was waiting for the response to be “no.”  If he wasn’t narcissistic, then everything he has tried to maintain -- everything is my fault -- I’m the one who’s not happy so I’m the one with the problem -- was true.  To my relief, she agreed with me.  She loaned me “The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists,” which further helped me see and understand that while I have my own stuff, I’m not crazy.  Reading the articles on this website has also been helpful.  I really related to the “Little Voice.”  I believe the anger and resentment I feel is due to not feeling I have a voice (I used to be the little door mouse).  I want to know I have a voice, even when someone is trying to squash it.  I want to harmonize my having a voice with my faith in God -- that I can separate knowing I’m a fallen, sinful person and the shame I’ve felt because I exist.  I read where someone was reading  “Healing the Shame that Binds You” and my library has a copy of it and I’m eager to read it myself.  I also want desperately to make sure my son feels he has a voice.  I want this curse to end with this generation and I know by the strength of God it can happen.

Thank you for allowing me to speak -- I didn’t realize how long this post was going to be.  It’s comforting knowing there are others who know how I feel.



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Re: My Story
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 12:00:59 PM »

Hi and Welcome RachelF,

It was prayer that led me here also. 

Just starting off voicing your life story is so therapeutic and in a way, liberating also.

Validation is critical at this stage and you will certainly ind validation, support and insight here.

Many many validating posts and 'what helps' resources on board.

He is king of  blame, avoid, deny.  He lives in a little bubble which cannot be tampered with at all, especially with reality. Mine is the same ... and the ignoring (withholding).  Subtle tactics.

when he got “saved” three years ago.  I admit I had an inkling of hope when, in his words, he decided to follow the Lord.  Nothing about his character has changed, in fact, he’s even more assured of his importance and I can tell he believes he’s arrived spiritually, financially and socially.

Mine made a commitment too ..... and a kind minister reminded me of the verse "by their fruits you shall know them"  the character of the person, changing into whose image and likeness??

His decision .... was it from his mind or his heart??  Also, lip service decisons bear no fruit springs to mind.

You are so blessed to have a good counsellor who has acknowledged him narcissistic - giving you much needed validation.  Added to which she has given you a copy of “The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists,”  which is a superbly validating eye opener!  Wonderful !!  you are in the right place.

 “Healing the Shame that Binds You" .... my copy arrived only yesterday and I have not been able to put it down!!  Hence, my posting here on the board.  If you can get that from your library, thats fantastic.

I encourage you to read and post, as and when you feel able to do so.

Validation is a liberating start.

In my thoughts and prayers.


Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO

Gaining Strength

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Re: My Story
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 01:47:35 PM »
So glad you are here.  It is a wonderful place and you will find much support.

You are in such a difficult position and have such difficult decisions to make but I want to offer you encouragement and hope.  I have a young son - he is 6 and his father died when he was an infant.  I firmly believe that whether you go or stay, your son will still have a narcissistic father.  You have the unenviable position of providing your son with all the love he will need.  The most important question you can ask yourself is how can you get what you need in order to survive?  Will you be better off if you leave or if you stay?

While you are wrestling with that question try to learn to detach emotionally from your husband.  By that I mean try to learn to let his barbs and indifference and insults and demands flow over you rather than letting them erode your personal vallue.  As you experience or look back over the wounds from him try thinking that his actions come out of a deficit in him - a deficit SO painful that he cannot own them but instead tries to put them on you.  Tell yourself - ,"His demeaning words and actions are aimed at me but really come out of his pain.  I'll respond in order to survive but I won't own it."

I grew up with a narcissistic father and my great wound was shame and the resulting fear and sense of inadequacy and rejection.  You cannot shield your son from the wounds his father will inflict on him but you can work to consciously encourage him and support him.  You can make up for a tremendous amount of damage from his father just by being there for him and when he gets older confirming to him that his father was cruel and incapable of loving.

The most important thing you can do for your son right now is to take care of you and to begin to heal from the effects of living under such difficulty for all these years.  As you heal, your son will benefit.

I hope you find solace and healing here. - Gaining Strength


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Re: My Story
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 02:02:14 PM »
Hi RachelF

How are you and welcome to the board.

Yes Rachel I identify completely with you.  I had the same exact feelings and my ex acted the same way but my story was a little more complex.  My ex wound up in jail.

I really do understand what you are feeling right now.  You are validated with your feelings and you see what exactly is going on and I think you have come to terms with he is an N.  I spent more time traumatized in the awakening of what I was living with and how miserable and afraid I had become and who I had become.  I felt stripped of me.
I know how you feel when you say you felt very alone and that he is very likeable.
Of course they are.  They are nice to everyone except their family.  They are fakes/phonies/con-artist.
You want to scream to people YOU DON’T KNOW THIS MAN! he is this and does this, just for them to look at you like your nuts and a liar.  I have been told that I was a nag and hysterical housewife.  I was not and you are not. The only thing I was guilty of was falling in love with an N.
They are professional at what they do.  They are professional actors and play right into their audiences. They are Crazy making!!!!!
The bottom line is you never know what they will do/act.

I had come to terms with what you see is what you get and it may get worse.  I was worried about my children also (like you).  The financial part was crippling fear not alone with the emotions that were tagged along.

You got a lot on you plate Rachel.  Deal with one thing at a time.  Try too emotionally detach.  Ignore him with emotions. Try to save money even if you have to hide some.
Go look into your Masters no matter what he says.  Just please make a plan as little as it may be to start off with.  You will feel better and not so dependant
Who you are and what you want to be does not matter to him. He did blow you off Rachel.  He will blow off anyone that defies his false self.  I don’t mean to be harsh.
Yes, he does want to suck out all the emotional energy out of you.   They are emotional junkies and will get their fix anywhere they can.
He will take good or bad emotions from you, does not matter as long as he is getting something. They are their own special being and are here to serve only themselves.
I’m sorry if I appear to be mean but I do know what they do. Everyone on this board knows. You know but it doesn’t make it any easier. 
I want to say RUN!!! GET OUT!! Just go!!!  But I do understand that you need to get a plan. Plan, Plan, Plan. 
Take care of yourself Rachel and we are here. 
You have just started your journey.  I have traveled you road and there is an end and happiness waiting for you.  Trust me!  I lived it too.   
Keep posting.  I look forward to talking to you.
Love Deb


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Re: My Story
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2007, 04:17:07 PM »
Welcome Rachael

You have come to a place where people understand, as an N is an N is an N.

Always will be--somethiing to keep in mind.

I often see a response, after a post like yours, "Are we married to the same man?"

Keep Posting, and I am awaiting delivery of my copy of "Healing the Shame that Binds You"

In particular I noticed this part from your post....

"I feel I suffer alone because he is very likable.  He gets along well with people and he’s very funny and fun..........."

I can so identify with that, as I saw the P, I left, change faces right in front of me. The likability is an act they have learned from watching others, and it puts people on HIS side, against anything negative you might say.

Hang in


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Re: My Story
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2007, 06:07:11 PM »
 can so identify with that, as I saw the P, I left, change faces right in front of me. The likability is an act they have learned from watching others, and it puts people on HIS side, against anything negative you might say.

Oh Izzy,

I forgot those days of leaving the T/s office and the change in a blink of the eye. Your so right. Use to really piss me off.



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Re: My Story
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2007, 06:18:29 PM »
Welcome Rachel!!!! You will find so many nice people, and supportive friends. This is a nice place where you can explain your feelings, understand your feelings and learn a lot.
God bless you!!! We look forward to read more of you.


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Re: My Story
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 09:18:38 PM »
Welcome, Rachel...

This thought puts that moment so so so so well, thank you:

I was not alone and there was something to call it.

That so well sums up the threshold for me. A place you step across, a doorsill...into a new world. A sense of recognition that I'd bet my socks so many people here have shared.

I don't know about a shame-based religion lasting...mine didn't. But I was so glad to feel it go.

Glad you're here.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My Story
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2007, 03:08:28 AM »
Welcome Rachel,

I didn't think your story was too long. It is good for you to pour it out. It certainly showed you to be articulate and intelligent. It is so important for you to trust your intuition and begin to allow yourself a voice.
What you say makes so much sense to me. When you describe your husband as charming and funny and how much people like him it reminded me of my first husband. He was so charismatic. It was amazing. People would follow him anywhere. One person said that he was the most Christlike person they had ever met. One said he was the most laudable person they had ever met.  Meanwhile at home if he didn't like dinner he would flick it at the back of my head. He was having multiple affairs and was hooked on cocaine.  It was most urksome to hear these accolades.
There was no point in saying anything about him or trying to get someone to understand my reality.  He was heroic to his male friends. For instance one time he left me with no wood for the woodstove that heated our house when our baby was three months old.  He was gone for three weeks. This was in a remote area where I had a woodstove, no phone and no electricity. So he was a great guy alright.
Back to you. Looking back I was seething with resentment. I would get depressed, feel trapped and helpless.
What saved me was joining a dance troupe. There was not much going on where I lived and I did it impulsively. My baby was 18 months old. For some reason there was a choreographer staying on the island and a group of young women put on the most fantastic CAN-CAN. It was the real thing and I got very fit learning the moves. It got me out of the house, out of the mold, in contact with people who were kind and nice to me. It raised my self esteem just enough for me to leave my husband.
Some part of me knew I had to leave or die.  So leaving was like jumping off the San Francisco Bridge.  I did not know how to survive in the outside world.
I went back to school and my daughter was in daycare.  I felt bad but I now find out that she is grateful for her years in daycare. She went to the University daycare and I got my Master's Degree. I could not imagine what my life was to become sitting in the cabin in the woods.

What I am saying is take a small step and go toward your own goal. Maybe one course.  It is not good for your son to be your whole life. Especially in a problematic marriage. Modelling setting goals and learning to get your needs met in healthy ways is better for both you and your son. As you gain self esteem everything shifts and you see through fresh eyes.  Your N husband will not like it. If you set boundaries for yourself so that you can start to thrive, he won;t like it. Be prepared.
The clouds will lift for you. It will get better.  Keep in contact with your support group.

Sea storm


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Re: My Story
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2007, 02:56:10 PM »
Thank you all so much for the kind responses.  I cannot describe how much of a relief it is to hear others say, "I can relate ... I know exactly what you're talking about."  I didn't realize how nervous I was going to be making my first post, but I certainly feel I'm amongst friends.  I also didn't expect to feel so contemplative and quiet today, really reflecting on Dr. Grossman's articles having to do with voice and especially the one about his friend H.  I awoke in the middle of the night (not too common of a thing to happen) and a thought occurred to me:

If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a noise?  Likewise, if someone says something and it's not acknowledged, do they have a voice?

Who gives us our validity?   It's more of a rhetorical question that I'm asking but it's made me stop to examine what is in my heart.  I attend a weekly Bible study and today the lecturer talked about God having two types of glory.  The first being God's intrinsic glory (the glory Moses yearned to see and the glory Jesus radiated during the Transfiguration).   This glory is God's very nature.  The second glory is that which we give to God.  Our giving God glory adds nothing to it; however, our purpose for being created is give Him glory.  Did God create the vast universe so we would glorify Him?  Perhaps partly.  Does our not giving God that glory take away any of the glory that is intrinsic to Him?  No, because God is complete.  The very creation itself is what what gives God glory.  The essence of what the universe is does not change because we fail to look at it.  I, then, being endowed by my Creator, have a voice whether or not I am acknowledged.  "Be perfect [complete] as your Father in Heaven is perfect [complete]." -- Jesus.  This is the journey, the struggle -- to be complete.  In the words of St. Augustine, "My heart is restless until it finds rest in thee."


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Re: My Story
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2007, 04:36:00 PM »
They say you either marry your father or you marry your mother.  In my case, I married my mother.

People would often say to me, "Charlie must be a great father.  Every time I see him he is showing me pictures of the boys."

Well, he spent more time showing people pictures of his sons than he spent with his sons.

And everyone's needs came after his.  He had affairs both times that I was postpartum because, "You can't have relations for 6 weeks.  You don't expect me to go without do you?"

I'm glad to see you here.  We all are.  Don't worry about how long your posts or or if you are saying things just right.  We've all been there.

Be patient with yourself, love yourself, and take one day and one step at a time.


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Re: My Story
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2007, 08:09:39 PM »

Who gives us our validity?   It's more of a rhetorical question that I'm asking but it's made me stop to examine what is in my heart.  I attend a weekly Bible study and today the lecturer talked about God having two types of glory.  The first being God's intrinsic glory (the glory Moses yearned to see and the glory Jesus radiated during the Transfiguration).   This glory is God's very nature.  The second glory is that which we give to God.  Our giving God glory adds nothing to it; however, our purpose for being created is give Him glory.  Did God create the vast universe so we would glorify Him?  Perhaps partly.  Does our not giving God that glory take away any of the glory that is intrinsic to Him?  No, because God is complete.  The very creation itself is what what gives God glory.  The essence of what the universe is does not change because we fail to look at it.  I, then, being endowed by my Creator, have a voice whether or not I am acknowledged.  "Be perfect [complete] as your Father in Heaven is perfect [complete]." -- Jesus.  This is the journey, the struggle -- to be complete.  In the words of St. Augustine, "My heart is restless until it finds rest in thee."

Hi RachelF,

Your weekly Bible study group sounds wonderful - inspiring, edifying and encouraging.  Loved my Bible study group where I lived previously, and hope to be able find and join one here soon.  Love the words of St. Augustine "My heart is restless until it finds rest in thee"

One of my favourite verses in Proverbs is "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.

It is my trust and faith in G-d that has led me along my journey to peace at last.

Jesus heals the brokenhearted and sets the captive free - free indeed.

Stormchild posted on the 'Controlling People' thread earlier today the link for a Christian Survivors Forum, which I have joined in addition to this support group. 

Here is the link

God Bless you.


"God can heal the deepest wounds, I know ........ his is healing mine"

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO