Hey all,
This topic seemed rather fun to me... and will no doubt allow some of us to look into another habit... planning vs being spontaneous.
I am spontaneous, but only within a comfortable boundary. Here on our small island, I will go for a crazy drive, just turn and turn until I get back to a highway. Knowing how small the island is, I know that there is no way to become lost. So I am being a bit crazy, but within a boundary. And I would say that sums up my behavior.
My husband is a huge planner. He is planning for our move now without knowing where we're going. It drives me crazy!!! I remember one time, in Rome, he sat down and traced out our route to leave the city on a map. He wanted to make sure we got directly out...well... after the first turn according to his plan, the road went the wrong direction and he had to scrap the whole thing. He was so irked!!! I even waited an hour or two to laugh at him and say "I told you so."
So, where do you fall? What do you think it says about you?????