Right now I feel for the first time in my life that I am standing on my own two feet. I feel balanced. And I also have the beginnings of a new voice.
I wanted to start this thread to talk about (explore, question, share) reality and perceptions of reality, about definitions and defining ourselves and others, but I'm not sure it matters any more.
But I tell you, the reality had better not ever come to pass cos quite frankly the amount of pain and bullying I've had to withstand, when I pull you out of there, I don't want you around me. Ever.
Hi Rosencrantz, I first feel the need to go off topic to these quotes (just briefly) above and say thankyou for being the one to recognize my reason? motivation? (whatever) for posting on RG's thread. I'm going to thankyou over there too. I got what I felt I had to say to RG off my chest and if RG chooses to ignore me, well I'll get over that.
I wonder why people here feel the need to defend him? Feel threatened by him being questioned? Is he infallible or something? Ooops, better not start it up here. Sorry. I would have thought he is more than capable of defending himself if he thought it was necessary. Anyway I'll 'STOP' now. I'm 'COMPLICATING' things once again. 'Sarcasm Here In Tended' or 'SHIT' for short.!

"During 1922 and 1923, as she was working on various drafts of a novel, Woolf came to feel that she had defined her own literary project in such an exhilarating way that it's challenge could sustain her even in the face of critical attack. On 18 february 1922, she writes in her diary, 'I have made up my mind that I'm not going to be popular, & so genuinely that I look upon disregard or abuse as part of my bargain. I'm to write what I like; & they're to say what they like.'
Six months later she feels even more certain: 'There's no doubt in my mind that I have found out how to begin (at 40) to say something in my own voice; & that interests me so that I feel I can go ahead without praise.'
I feel like this. I am bravely developing my voice now that I have found it. Personally I find Virginia Woolf's life tremendously inspiring. She was abused as a child and I can't imagine what it was like having so many of her family members die when she was young.
She recognised and diaried that she didn't find her own voice till she was 40. When she finally did understood it as a deal the deal and accepted that.
The deal, I say what I like & you don't have to like it.
I must be allowed to say it, and you must be allowed to not like it.
You may even criticise and reject.
Because I accept this up front, that you will criticise, I have no problem with you criticising. I see this as a very small price to pay to develop my voice.
So when you say does it matter. YES! YES! YES! it matters. I hear you working on developing your voice all the time.
For me, I find I'm using my voice, my mother's voice, other's voices, novelists voices, even Fran Fine's voice sometimes. But in the end I really only want to use my own.
I'm learning to single it out from the crowd more and more. I'm not going to respond to people auto-sarcastically anymore from habit learned from (unparental) training. I'm developing my own voice even with my own signature brand of sarcasm thanks! Appropriate for certain special deserving souls. And I'll use it unapologetically.
I won't continue to use my humour willy nilly, randomly as I was taught. I will develop my own form of humour, not using it to persecute or cause the innocent pain. The old saying "every joke has a victim" is true.
From me to you, you must post what you want to talk about and develop those ideas of yours. Combat fatigue is very draining. I do want to be around when you get further developed. Keep the ideas flowing, your ideas, your kernel from your heart. You give so much input to others and spend lots of time exploring other people 's issues.
I love to read, (and I do read your comments a lot) when you use this skill on your own personal issues.
I don't wear victimhood well. I'm a survivor. I don't relate well to victims, I admit it. The locus of control, I know, is within me, Thank God. I take full responsibility for the changes I need to make.
That'll have to do for now, I just got kicked off the comp. damn. And I was just winding up and no time to edit. Oh well, but hey one more thing, what happened to the commander sub-title. It was sooo intimidating

I loved it. That was well-meant light hearted ribbing R, just a joke. Remember every joke has a victim.