Author Topic: little princess entitlement came to call at my house recently  (Read 909 times)


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I was babysitting a girl who is sort of in the family.  I don't want to say too much but it was an experience I will not treasure the rest of my life.  She is 8, her father is in prison and her mother doesn't quite live a good life, as far as what I know.

This child mostly lives with her grandmother and I guess, other siblings.  She apparently is given a lot of material things to replace the lack of love/nurturing that she has, and most of all, she feel ENTITLED to whatever she wants.

Well, she stayed at our house for a couple days.  By day 2 she was training my 7 year old in the fine art of manipulating mom.  She would whisper in her ear "ask your mother for 3 dollars" while I was trying to wait on customers.  Today, when she wanted the money, she and my daughter stood at the counter with pouty lips and grins...I did not find it cute in the least.  I explained to her that we do NOT behave that way!

Later, when it was time for me to catch the bus with my daughter to head home, this little girl said to me "do we have to?  do I have to?"  I said, "um well just a second cause I can call ___ to come get you."  Well, my husband said "YES SHE IS WITH US AND SHE NEEDS TO GO WITH YOU HOME!"  So, I told her and she again tried to manipulate me by saying "but WE are bored"  (she was training my daughter to allow HER to speak for her.)  I WAS SO FURIOUS AT THIS LITTLE JUNIOR SIZED N, that I called _______ and told her to come GET her and I will NOT be watching her over any more weekends!



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Re: little princess entitlement came to call at my house recently
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 02:25:54 AM »
Dear Laura,

Wow! was that ever bloodcurdling. The behaviour has been solidified at such a young age. That is scarey.

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