Author Topic: Suicidal  (Read 8635 times)


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« on: March 04, 2007, 11:28:06 PM »
I just wanted to say goodbye to all of you.  I know that will make a lot of people here very happy.
I can see that no one noticed but I spent the better part of last night deleting all of my posts so that no one will be reminded of me  but to be honest because of how raw it felt to leave so much of myself in a place that dislikes me so intensely. 

I should be used to that by now.  Only a few people could relate to having a mother who threw knives at you and choked you and beat you.  Or a father who raped you so bad and so many times that you can't even remember.  And sisters and brother who didn't care.  And still don't care. All they could ever do was tell me to shut up about it.  I feel like that hurt me so bad, I've spent my whole life trying to heal from it, trying to say, hey, you know, I'm so hurt inside but no one ever wants to listen.  I always recreate that dynamic, the no one wants to hear it scenario.  I try very hard to see my part.  I feel I'm making some progress.  I know I get angry and I don't always say the right things but I've accepted that I'm human and can't be perfect.  But when other's hurt me, and I try to talk about it somehow I'm not supposed to.  I guess I should be perfect after all.  I should know it's not the right time or that I should say it better.  I should know I haven't said it the right way.  I'm too angry or too judgmental.  I just want to die because anything  would feel better than this pain.  It's like a huge boulder on my chest.  I feel stupid writing this.  I know some people will think I"m looking for attention or for someone to feel sorry for me.  I know some people think I'm a troulbe maker and I'm out to get them.  I know a lot of peole will think I'm acting.  My whole family says all of those thing to me about the abuse and the molestation because I should just shut up.  I guess that's how I feel when someone tells me to shut up, like they made me feel about the molestation and the abuse.  we've never tlaked about ti and we never will.  But surely God wants me to heal from this because I keep encountering it over and over again.    They just wanted me to shut up.  And you guys just want to shut up.  SO I probably should shut up too, forever.  I noticed in the new threads about conflict, Gratitudes thread said, "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.  Boy, what a kick in the gut.  I just felt sure she was talking about me and suddenly I knew what I needed to do.  I don't want to have such negativity directed towards me anymore.  It was hard enough living with it eighteen years in my mother's house.  God, would'nt my duaghter be heartbroken to know that her mother is just a big pice of nothing.  I don't want her to ever live with coming from that.  And my son, he wouldn't want to go to open school night with nothing, how will he ever have pride? No, better for me to go away.  I'm just going to go to sleep and never wake up and God will forgive me, because he see's my heart and he knows that I"m not a bad person and I'm not an abuser and I'm not an animal.  I think I just don't bellong here in this world.  I have a heart that's too sensitive and I'm so tired of it being stepped on and tossed aside and broken.  But when I die I won't feel this pain anymore.  I wonder if that's what people who commit suicide feel like and that's what they want to say.  Funny, I never thought of myself as suicidal until now.  So I don't know the point of this.  I guess I just wanted to express my feelings, because I know how happy it willl make all of you.  at my funeral they'll be a nice big empty room.  after all when your own mother treats you like you're nothing and your family treats you like you're nothing and your father uses you because you're nothing, it doesn't take too much to know that you are nothing and everywhere you go you continue to be nothing.  because you don't matter.  And I just can't cope anymore because nobody loves me and nobody cares about me and everyone hates me.  God, that hurts to know.  I've tried everything I can think of and nothing is working.  so what's left but this. ~jac 


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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 11:38:36 PM »

You here?



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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 11:43:36 PM »
Jac, hon.

PLEASE don't do that.

I care about you, I can feel how much pain there is...I know that's why you get angry sometimes.

It's okay's okay to be you. Please, come talk some more.

I'll stay up and post with you until I fall asleep. Then I'll check again in the morning.

Of course you want attention! THAT'S OKAY! YOU NEED SOME!

I'm attending!


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2007, 11:45:34 PM »

I care.  I'm sorry for all your pain and I wish I could undo the damage that was done to your life, but I can't.  I do know that Jesus can and He loves you and has some answers to all this.

I didn't respond to your posts, because apparently I never saw them on the board?  I'm not sure.

I do care if you commit suicide.  I truly do.  You are a person who has a purpose on this planet of some kind.  GIve yourself a chance to find out what that is.  Healing takes time.  I'm in your corner.



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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2007, 11:46:07 PM »
Me too Jac,

I stay up late.   I'll stay up all night.



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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2007, 11:47:00 PM »
jac - I'm new here and seriously do not know what is going on, but I can see your personal history is being massively triggered right now on all of your vulnerable spots and wounds.  

Don't take any action from that place. Do NOT do anything to yourself while you are so thrown out of wack because you are triggered.

You are NOT nothing.  Your past is triggered and activated.  The negative scripts coming back.  You are NOT the same as the negative scripts, but you can be temporarily swamped in them.

I hope you will call a hotline tonight and stay on it as long as it takes.  That is what they are there for.
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2007, 11:53:20 PM »

Please please,   pleaaaaaaaaaaseee if you are reading these let us know.



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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2007, 11:58:12 PM »
I wanted to let you know I let Dr. G know of your last post, because he should know. I don't know if he has any way to reach you but if he does I hope you'll talk to him.

Better yet, please do as suggested and call a hotline. Even better, if the pain is this bad just drive yourself to an ER and ask to speak to the psychiatrist on duty. I did that once years ago when I was in anguish.

I didn't have to check in, but if I did I would have.

There is no need for you to be alone with this.

It's night-time. It's late. That's the hardest time of all to be alone when you're in too much pain.

And there are people awake and aware who will gladly help you and hold you together if you're having too much trouble doing it alone.


love to you, thoughts your way...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2007, 11:58:32 PM »
Hi ((((((((((((((((jac))))))))))))))))

In no way was my quote directed at you... I love Oscar Wilde and it honestly makes me think of my mom.

I feel like you are having some sort of breakdown jac. Is there someone there to help you? Your kids need you. And we all care about you here. And it is so good to see that you can talk to us on level. This works so much better than fighting.

Jac, I love you. Even when you were mad at me and trying to make others mad at me. I was scared of you then. But it made me stronger.

You have been through too much to handle it by yourself. Please please ask someone near you for help.

Jac, I will check back to make sure you write. Please remember your kids who need you.

You have been through more than any person could ever go through and not suffer terribly. Your parents were freaks and should have to suffer the pain that they caused and innocent child and which has clouded a lovely woman's life.

Please write back.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2007, 12:06:39 AM »

please answer us?


WE want you to be well!




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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2007, 12:18:47 AM »
come on Jac,

If you were here I would put you on the couch wrap you in a blanket, give you some, coffe, pepsi whatever you like and we could talk and find out how we can make you feel better together. Talk to us Jac.

Love Deb


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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2007, 12:26:41 AM »



Get back on here and let us sit with you.   My lord girl, you are needed by so many.



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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2007, 12:30:56 AM »



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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2007, 12:49:38 AM »
Just letting you know I'm still here.

Love Deb


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Re: Suicidal
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2007, 01:35:22 AM »
Hi Jac:

This is really awful for you.  All the bad thoughts are in charge right now and one good came here and said so.  I hope you will come back and talk some more.

May I tell you my opinion?  I think........your father who raped and molested you and who does not take responsibility for his horrendous nothing.  But not're something!  For being able to trust in God, for being able to love...your children.....for fighting to heal!  That's all something Jac.  It's who you are.....not a pain, yes, but not like him!  Not cruel and selfish and a liar!!

And I think your mother.....who threw knives at you and choked you and beat you and who wants you to just shut up...who won't acknowledge your pain or your right to your pain and who treats you as if YOU are responsible for your pain.....I think nothing.  Not you  though.  Oh no.  You're something!  For striving to speak your truth....for not becoming like her.....for striving to heal.  That's all something too.  Part of who you are.....someone who does not abuse their children and is concerned for them and who is in pain but not denial eh?

I could go on and on here but maybe you will hear better if I just's not you who is nothing Jac, it's them!  Those who added to your pain instead of trying to validate it and help you through it...those who are so stupid not to care about you....those are people who are nothing Jac and you don't need people like that in your life.  They are nothing!  Not you!

And your children?  They care about you I bet.   They will suffer if you are gone, Jac, much more than if you are here and not perfect.  They need you Jac.  You won't be doing them any favours by abandoning them.  They don't see you as nothing.....they see you as their mother, whom they need and love, I bet.  Your children aren't nothing right?  They are part of you too.  Aren't they good people?  You brought them here.  You're teaching them to be good people, right?  What will suicide teach them?  Won't the message be that you don't love them enough to live?  That's not true is it?  I bet you love your children.

Please come back and talk or call a distress centre or the number TT put up....just don't quit Jac.  Don't let the nothings put you in your grave!  They are not worth it!! 
