I just want to say that, although I realize some of you have been mistreated by narcissistic parents/relatives/leaders, who used the Bible to abuse you, I am not them, nor do I use the Bible in that way, and I'm getting really weary of people saying the the Bible is not truth because of having been abused by what it says.
I am also getting weary of being called "religious." This is a trigger word for me, not because someone who was abusing me, called me it, but because religion is a MAN-MADE thing, made of rules and regulations and BONDAGE! The very WORD in the Websters Dictionary, means RETURN TO BONDAGE! What I am is a person who was created to worship God, my Father. I'm a person who believes that there is a HIGHEST POWER, and a person who considers Jesus (Yahuwshu`a) my Brother and friend.
I have a relationship with Jesus, where we talk together, walk together, and basically are just really best friends. When someone equates what I have with "religion" it demeans my relationship, ticks me off, and, no, I'm not one to just "accept" that others see me as religious, without wanting to explain and have a voice in why I'm not.
As long as people keep seeing the Bible and Jesus and scriptures as "relgious" of course they'd want nothing to do with any of it...who wants more rules to follow, more oppression in their life? I sure don't.
So, please, as hard as this might be to believe, realize that some followers of Jesus, Bible, etc, are NOT religious and do NOT APPRECIATE being seen in that light or labeled in that way.
If others really KNEW who I follow, they might understand just what a real relationship is there.
Thank you