two things to say about this:
first, I'm one who people do not like very much because I tell them they are using a drug if they use caffeine, and especially if they HAVE to have a cup of coffee in order to function. To me, it's odd to purposely teach your body to become dependent on a drug of any kind, unless you need that drug by no fault of your own...for instance, diabetics NEED insulin, hypothyroid people need Synthroid, Cancer Patients need pills...humans do not require caffeine until they started drinking it as a habit, thus forming an addiction. Just makes no sense to me, and when I say this to coffee drinkers, they vow to pretty much almost tar and feather me and run me out of town on a rail. I do speak something that is medically and scientifically truth, however. Further, I do not like being CONTROLLED by anything or anyone, so to drink coffee and NEED it, to me is an unneeded control.
Secondly, when anyone says "you are not one of those people who..." my answer is a quick "heck yeah!" and that usually ends it, unless the person is in lecture mode. In that case, they will have a very equal sparring person, as I'm not too easily intimidated most of the time. That is one discussion that could last a good while.
