Not that anyone asked me, but as I've mentioned in the past, I am currently taking ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY in college. It is a very interesting course and does deal with personality disorders, including Narcissism, which my professor mentions VERY frequently.
I can understand why people might eventually turn on the victim vs the Narcissist when taking Psych classes. The whole idea of Psychology, seems to be an "anything goes" and "NARCISSISTS ARE PEOPLE TOO" type of attitude. It almost absolves people of their bad behavior, and THAT I do not agree with.
That is where my spiritual beliefs and stands come into play. I believe God is a merciful God, but also a God of JUSTICE. N's will "get theirs" in the end, unless they repent before that and turn from their wicked ways. I do not believe that every person can just treat people however they choose, and be backed up by psychological precepts or beliefs. That is where the professor and I might disagree on things.
Just my 10 Cents. I don't have any regrets about taking ABNORMAL PSYCH though. I am just really glad I know where I stand on spiritual things. It's too easy to be swayed to a scientific "anything goes" attitude, if you have no real stance of your own.
