Author Topic: Undergraduate Psychology  (Read 3184 times)


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Undergraduate Psychology
« on: March 08, 2007, 12:50:27 PM »
Undergraduate Psychology

Using psychology to learn undergraduate psychology, by using online discussions in a support forum.

Question:  Hands up all those who are currently studying psychology?


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 12:54:13 PM »
Officially or unofficially?


I had six weeks of counseling by a therapist, the only time in my adult life, who had less knowledge than I had just being selfread.

It is my understanding that in the state of Michigan you can get a counseling degree with 2 years of schooling.


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 01:28:42 PM »
I'm taking a class in Abnormal Psych ... we learned about Eating Disorders today.



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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 02:12:50 PM »
Hands up all those who are currently studying psychology?

I'll think you'll find most people here already possess a PhD in applied psychology, with the most common doctoral thesis being 'dealing with the criminally insane'.



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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 02:43:32 PM »

You are very funny. You make me laugh. I so enjoy your post.



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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 08:17:45 PM »
Already have my Bachelor's degree in Psychology and currently wrapping up my Master's in Addiction Psychology.



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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2007, 10:36:27 PM »
I have a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology specializing in Counseling.  I continure to go to workshops and do lots of reading. The last workshop I went to was on Traumatic Incident Reduction. This was learning how to work with survivors of things like war incidents, rape, plane crashes etc. Interestingly enough, the method involved listening to the survivors story over and over again until it lost its impact.
In all my training I did not receive much information on Narcissists or other personality disorders. I have learned a lot on this site, for which I am grateful.

Sea Storm


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2007, 11:58:28 PM »
According to may parents, psychology is a "crap" field, along with basically everything else in the world except their own fields and if you studied it their particular way. Oh... and anything my sister does is valid. Everyone else is a dumb liberal :)
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2007, 01:51:56 AM »
What about you, Sincerity?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2007, 06:36:26 AM »
My brother went to school for four years studying psychology in an effort to understand the relationship between our n mother and myself.    I was abused and neglected by her; he was cherished and treasured.

At the end of four years he told me that I was wrong, that it made no sense that a parent would raise two children as differently as I said we had been raised.

He practiced in the field for a year.  Hated it.  Got totally frustrated when people wouldn't take his advice.

So he went back to school to become a chiropractor.  People besides mother worship him.  He is happy.

And, as I keep reminding him, when he tells a patient it is all in their mind, he can back it up.


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2007, 06:41:37 AM »
I do not understand when a poster receives many answers and the writer did not answer. Some poeple are desperate to talk to someone and it is not interesting I guess.
So, sincerity, did you study psychology?


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2007, 08:46:59 AM »
I'll think you'll find most people here already possess a PhD in applied psychology, with the most common doctoral thesis being 'dealing with the criminally insane'

In answer to your questions I would say that I meet with the above criteria.  No I have not studied Psychology and no intention to study, just curious.  Lacking the time resources and inclination would be a good enough reason.  In my FOO apparently there was an uncle who set out to practice in NY in the field of Psychology but was ousted.  Having listened to the family legend it comes as no surprise. 

With no computer at home and using my friend's facility on an 'as and when' basis, bearing in mind my professional and social life I am unable to post on a more regular basis.

Saddens me to read that you are dependent on this site for friendship Lupita and my suggestion is that you consider Hops practical advice.



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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2007, 08:59:03 AM »
Not that anyone asked me, but as I've mentioned in the past, I am currently taking ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY in college.  It is a very interesting course and does deal with personality disorders, including Narcissism, which my professor mentions VERY frequently.

I can understand why people might eventually turn on the victim vs the Narcissist when taking Psych classes.  The whole idea of Psychology, seems to be an "anything goes" and "NARCISSISTS ARE PEOPLE TOO" type of attitude.  It almost absolves people of their bad behavior, and THAT I do not agree with.

That is where my spiritual beliefs and stands come into play.  I believe God is a merciful God, but also a God of JUSTICE.  N's will "get theirs" in the end, unless they repent before that and turn from their wicked ways.  I do not believe that every person can just treat people however they choose, and be backed up by psychological precepts or beliefs.  That is where the professor and I might disagree on things. 

Just my 10 Cents.  I don't have any regrets about taking ABNORMAL PSYCH though.  I am just really glad I know where I stand on spiritual things.  It's too easy to be swayed to a scientific "anything goes" attitude, if you have no real stance of your own.

:) Laura


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2007, 11:13:33 AM »
I believe that when we leave this life we will go on to another life where we will know everything.

We all started life as babies, and N's are the way they are for many reasons  --  nature, nurture, who knows?

But we will understand why people treated us the way they did.

The other night the boyfriend had to wake me up from a nightmare of being beaten by my mother when I was 9 years old.  I am 53.

I can't help wondering what happened to her as a child to make her that way.  She completely refuses to discuss her childhood but does still keep in contact with family members.

Evangelist Joyce Meyers says that, "Hurt people hurt people."  I think that is just about the most profound four words I have ever heard.


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Re: Undergraduate Psychology
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2007, 11:55:53 AM »
I didn't mean to say that hurt people always hurt people.  I would never dream of doing to a child the things that were done to me.

The point that I was making is that if my mother hurt me, she was probably hurt as a child also.  People with happy, appropriate childhoods do not beat their own children.