Posts: 21
Re: Who is the functional Me?
« Reply #42 on: Today at 08:53:40 AM »
I can relate to your struggle of seeing yourself as someone who is ACCEPTED and maybe even WANTED.
A couple people in my life have a habit, when they do something that they realize is maybe not very wise, of saying "oh just smack me."
My first reaction, being that I am the sort of person that I am (a bit intolerant of childishness in adults), is to roll my eyes and think "oh brother!" However, after thinking a moment, I realize the statement is one that comes from a point of having been SHAMED most of their lives. They feel that when they goof up, they actually DESERVE to be punished. Then, my compassion kicks in and I say, "No, you made a mistake. YOu do not deserve to be smacked or punished."
Their replies are usually something of "saving face" by saying "oh I was just kidding," or "That's just something I say."
I am one who takes people's words VERY SERIOUSLY. So, I tend to advise anyone who hangs around with me closely, that I will be listening for signs of shame, etc, and I will comment if I hear them too.
Are you Whoami and ReallyMe?
This is confusing because WhoAmI and ReallyMe have had conversations with each other on the board.