I used to hate weekends in the past. I found the loneliness unbearable when my kids went to their father. After lots and lots and lots of therapy I worked through that loneliness to a stronger place. Where I am now, if I get scared at the thought of a weekend. I make some choices. I can stay in the present moment, which is usually ok or I put a plan in place. That may mean going to visit someone or invite some people over. I joined a walking group, not very sociable as I had hoped but it gets me out and I feel great afterwards. I think the difficulty often is that we feel that the loneliness will never end. Its not really about the weekend.
I have always hated sundays but I rarely have a sunday now without a plan and in fact they often are my favourite day. I think, for me, a lot of it had to do with wanting someone else to fix it for me, whereas I, at last, have figured out that nobody is responsible for my weekends except me.
Hope this helps in some way.