I have never felt so simultaneously strong and overwhelmed!
All day today I've been sick, nausea, headache, eventually had to put myself to bed.
Reassures me I am making the right decision to push the move forward, we're looking at apartments now.
I can't live like this.
Of course, n is just beside himself and trying to make things about him- he's always been terrible when I am sick ( which has been rarely ) but to have me say to him stress is making me sick, stop acting out with me...he is struggling with that one.
He might be trying desperately, in any way that he knows how, to get you to respond the way he wants OR he may be desperately trying to keep his head above the water, as this situation threatens to overwhelm him.
I know jacmac, and I am sorry it came to this, I'd have done anything for him to get help before, have tried to be kind, to reason, to get angry- everything. But until it came to the reality of the end of the relationship he wouldn't even face facts.
Somewhere deep down too I know that if I were to acquiesce today- to stay, to try again, to 'forget all this nonsense'- he would stop this behaviour like a switch. Probably give up therapy too.
Also I cannot accept that lack of adult in him which won't put parenting as number one priority, that disgusts me.