hi seastorm,
Disconnected means I am not connected to my emotions. My therapist's word and could be the same as dissociated.
I disconnected when very young. I expect that is why I always 'felt' different, on the outside looking in, the black sheep, invisible, unimportant etc.
You might recall my "rip in my universe" post when I had that 'tear into another part of me', a very revealing feeling of absolute love for my baby, then the rip closed. I had a very short connection to my REAL feelings at that time, I suspect.
I also said in that post:
"My childhood was so filled with dysfunction, rage, anger, beating, rejection, absenteeism of parental love, concern, support that I just might have “shut down” and entered my own world within the real world.
When I read that Shame is the master emotion, controlling all others, except anger, I somehow felt that all my other emotions were tucked away in a locked box somewhere within me, and I cannot access them, to understand them
I cannot write about my emotions as you others do! I don’t know what they are".
There is nothing my therpist can tell me, right now, that will surprise me. I am just happy that she is "reading me'