Author Topic: Focus: in honor of GS  (Read 1129 times)


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Focus: in honor of GS
« on: March 17, 2007, 04:37:00 PM »
Cute of me to ask for help in honor of someone else, but GS does inspire this. I am a step behind her in facing the numbers and dealing with the paperwork of adult life. So I am sending out a request for me to focus. I almost wonder if it's not just self-indulgence but some form of ADD, though I was evaluated for it and don't meet the required criterial. Maybe I'm just trying to avoid shame. Today this is what I've done so far:

I have just decided I can use a large table in a room I never touch, while Mom's in PT. I literally put out a cloth and laid a yardstick across its middle. Tomorrow I intend to spend the afternoon sorting her floods of paperwork and mine on each side. I need then to sort and pay the most urgent bills first for each of us (that's always a dilemma, since I usually default to doing hers first, but I feel responsible) and move on to the filing from there.

It's silly and humiliating, but this represents moving a lake with a teacup. So any thoughts y'all might send my way for FOCUS tomorrow would be very gratefully received. I may not post much because I'm having some computer issues, but when I do catch up I know your help will be there.

And that amazes me..

With love and gratitude,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Focus: in honor of GS
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 08:10:40 PM »
Hey Hops,

Are any of these bills still in unopened envelopes?

I did a job like this for my (at the time) son-in-law, the N.

He had purchased 3 house in a row, 1442, 1444, and 1446. (I lived in his cellar free for doing this job.)

My daughter brought me the boxes by house #, so no sorting there, except for a slip or 50.

So many envelopes not opened, so I stacked them, then sorted by date, then opened the latest and second latest to see if I need open any more. If I understood those 2, I could junk the rest.

If you get the gist of what I am saying, some of the old stuff is replaced by a new one which is replaced with a newer one,  to get to today's figure  ( + late payment fees!)

Any help?

Want to hire me?



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Re: Focus: in honor of GS
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 08:41:45 PM »

I havev 5 bills per month starting with the Rent on the 1st and ending on the 19th with the Cable/Internet. I write cheques all at once, post-dating the cheques.

I file the inivoice stub and throw out last month's stub!

All finished,


Gaining Strength

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Re: Focus: in honor of GS
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2007, 08:12:15 AM »
I am deeply honored Hops.  I am sending energy as I see very good advice in preceeding posts.  I echo the suggestion that you pay attention to the energy that accompanies your work.  As you feel the negative energy increase, follow it down and trace its source as far as you can.

I am getting close to mine.  It makes no sense and that is why it is so powerful and has been so transparent.  It is made up of completely conflicting messages given me very young.  The source of that powerlessness is crazymaking so I have ignored it but it is in the very crazymaking that I have been trapped - some thing like "there is not enough AND there is more than enough" along with other such messages.  My thoughts are with you.  And thanks so much for the honor = your friend - GS


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Re: Focus: in honor of GS
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2007, 06:44:46 PM »
Money and bills are very symbolic of self-worth and buried emotions I think.

You've had so much to deal with, and put a brave face on; no wonder it came out somewhere.

Well done and good luck to anyone sorting these things and remember, it's just practical problems which can be solved by slow diligence & tenacity!

There is enough- and it's inside you.

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