Hey Hops,
Are any of these bills still in unopened envelopes?
I did a job like this for my (at the time) son-in-law, the N.
He had purchased 3 house in a row, 1442, 1444, and 1446. (I lived in his cellar free for doing this job.)
My daughter brought me the boxes by house #, so no sorting there, except for a slip or 50.
So many envelopes not opened, so I stacked them, then sorted by date, then opened the latest and second latest to see if I need open any more. If I understood those 2, I could junk the rest.
If you get the gist of what I am saying, some of the old stuff is replaced by a new one which is replaced with a newer one, to get to today's figure ( + late payment fees!)
Any help?
Want to hire me?