ok---i just dodged a bullet with my n husband. i haven't posted very much lately because i busted up my knee about two weeks ago and had to have surgery on it on Friday. 4 days ago.
Today, my NH ends up throwing dishes around the kitchen because he was mad about the 2 year old ----who he left unsupervised for 20 minutes----for coloring his arm and face with markers. i am tellin ya, he can't handle anything! So he freaks, starts throwing things around and starts yelling at me while i am sitting with my leg up trying to rest quick so as not to be any more burden on him.
it's just too much for him to handle! waa waa. he needs help! The rest of the kids are at school and he is alone to help me for once the poor thing. he has a home office, but he has made such a mess out of his business that he has people calling to ask for their money back that he has promised them constantly. So he is just SOOOO STRESSED! Too stressed to help me.
i can't believe he is pulling this. i have pulled MYSELF through 6 pregnancies and 2 emercency surgeries while not leaning on him at all. i finally have to lean on him and he can't do the simplest things to help me. Day-to-day stuff.
i know i need to leave, but since my leg is broken and i am on crutches to use the restroom only, i can't yet.
he saw how upset i was and then told me that he couldn't do anything right in my book and that i would never forgive him for freaking out at the 2 yo. and throwing things around and yelling. of course he wasn't yelling at me. He says.
of course he WAS! I say.
he insists on asking his 70 yo mommy to come to 'help'. She is getting ready for surgery herself, but he doesn't care, as long as he doesn't have to lift a finger. But then he blames me for being angry at her for taking my kids out of my house a few months ago against my wishes just because her told he to do it. She snuck away with them behind my back so my NH could blast me emotionally and throw me around for the evening because I ticked him off.
yeah, i am mad. of course i am mad at her. There is no one to help me but him and the kids. He doesn't want to and the kids can't do anything good enough for him. We have 5 between the ages of 8-15 who can help, but aren't perfect. He wants perfect. Doesn't matter though, if he gets his mom here, all he will do is rip on how bad of a job she is doing too.
he finally left 'to work'---what a joke. he doesn't know the meaning.
anyways, had to vent, i can't believe he is making this injury and surgery of mine----ABOUT HIM!!!
sorry about the weird punctuation, one of my shift keys isn't working. i had to use a very old computer that i could get my hands on for a minute. i don't know when i will be able to check back in. i guess when i can hobble in private----ha ha!
Take care everyone! Thanks for listening.