In an assertiveness training seminar and a codependence group I was taught "You have the right to change your mind and you don't have to give a reason." I think that is a recipe for becoming an unreliable self-centered jerk. If I've made an agreement with someone, if my changing my mind impacts them, then I need to be accountable. Besee
Hi Besee,
Oh how I agree.
They said the same on my infamous 'changing patterns course' which included assertiveness.
I did voice "personal accountability" and "social responsibility"
to which I received a resounding, somewhat disturbing, reply, " oh forget about all that, we don't have to give any reason for our choice!!! "
I questioned the following statement taught ...
"you have the right not to like anyone" "and you don't have to tell they why"
Personally, I would like to know why, for obvious reasons, permit me the opportunity to self evaluate and rectify, accordingly.
All in all, I was most concerned, promotion of self centeredness - much akin to the self centered N person(s) ??!!!! .
Leah xx