Wow I'm amazed that he even said that.
Mine would say he knew people like that but he could not directly relate to it. He said that he was arrogant and more intelligent then most people on the planet and he did deserve things, had an affair but it didn't mean anything it was just sex. Oh yes and he was very good looking but he realized that he maybe was only (arrogant)about that. I should be proud cause everyone that knows him knows that he would never go with a dog he only picks good looking women. Then he would stop and think he had alot of the traits and in the same sentence say he didn't.
That sociopath and narcissist people are really sick.
Uh-huh!!! and I wonder why sometimes I felt crazy after talking to him.
Now I laugh. They can be so STUPID
This would make a great
mastercard commercial. Me and N in therapy with the therapist, sitting on the couch N speaking showing little clips of episodes of my life with N. Last shot therapist and me smiling N out of the picture, Ending with the regular master card saying