Stuff that makes one wonder about the sicko entitlement:
1.) The two of us in a computer business. He builds. I instruct and build websites, do accounting etc.
...........I was only on the business for my name to keep the Gov't away... from his bank accounts as well. He owed $70,000.00 for Student Loans!
2.) We met when I bought a computer from him. It was mine!
..............Now in the business he would take a part (sound card whatever) from mine when building a cheaper machine, sell the machine but not refund me for the part, yet "gave" me a brand new replacement. My question, "Was it really a gift? or was it Inventory?" I began to doubt after a while if this was MY computer.
3.) When I had computer problems, he would rage and rage and whine and carry on--oh yes I accepted the guilt that he was working free--- so he finally mentioned this and I paid him $180.00 to see what he would do.
..............He got mad, said that was not an issue, tore up the money and threw it in the garbage. Left.
..............I gathered the pieces and taped the bills together.
4.) He was teaching me how to build computers from scratch. It was working well until I realized that I would be doing ALL the work and he was the only one paid.........for my work.!
.............The night I was loading the software, setting up the final stages, I hit an error I didn't know. He was out in the bar drinking with his buddy! I stopped doing the work.
5.) He stopped taking Inventory of the parts after about 1½ years. How can a proper Tax Return be filed without Inventory figures. He didn't care
.............I didn't care either. I filed my own Return.
6.) He came to me with a 'biggie'. $40.00 per hour for me to transfer a BIG website from one hosting service to another. (He knew nothing about how to do it!.) I did it and after 39½ hours he owed me $1,580.00. I wrote myself a cheque, had signing authority, and deposited to my private account!
............He wouldn't pay, said I didn't do it right, but I DID. It was there for the world to see! He still hadn't billed the client. He took so long that the client questioned the amount. That was N's problem. I told him I wrote myself a cheque.
7.) When I said I was leaving, he said I couldn't take the computer. It was his inventory. I said OK I'll just f****** buy a new one but I needed to transfer my whole hard drive to the new one! (XP just came out...) I removed the hard drive and took it to the Dealer and also asked them to format/delete everything on it. He said I was "up to something".
............. New computer with old hard drive in a special Folder was delivered to my new apt. I gave formatted hard drive back to P. I wondered if he would use a Forensic program to see what had been there!
8.) Still a few things hanging fire and he called to see if he could come use my XP for a client. I was still struggling with all the crap, said yes, he came, did something and left.
.............I then remembered he had a computer set up with XP. I downloaded a program to scan for "spy ware" and I found KEYLOGGER. I deleted it!
What a creep!