Guys, I am trying so hard not to annoy the heck out of you all here...
I need some PROOF. I think this is the only reason I still talk to NM. I really want her to do something so I can say, "See...that's what I'm talking about."
I didn't talk to her when I could have today. It is so laughable... if we are in a chat room and others can see... she will talk about how grand our house was in Italy, or her jewelry or some such thing, apparently hoping people will ooh and aaah. It truly naseates me.
I don't feel the need to talk to them anymore... but sometimes I do against my better thoughts. I think I just get lonely here sometimes. I am not looking for anything positive from them.I don't need it to be OK. So I really don't know why I bother. And I have pretty much absorbed the fact that they don't much care one way or another whether I do contact them.
So why have I not gone NC (or as NC as is possible)?
What have you done? Did it take you a bit to cut yourself off?
Love, Beth
Hi Beth
Late chiming in - work has been a monster this week and will be for a few weeks more.
I think part of this is the How-Much-Is-Too-Much problem we all have; we're a bunch of boiled frogs, more than willing to tolerate things that would have other people running for the hills. Because we were taught to tolerate such things when we were young, since it was the only environment we knew.
What works for me - but has to be carefully watched - is to take an inventory. Not so much of the person but of the events. This happened; this happened; this is what happened when I sprained my ankle and asked for help; this is what happened when we had to move and I asked for help; and so on.
You have to do this on paper! It HAS to be written down! Otherwise, it'll slip away... you'll start making excuses for this incident or that one, you'll 'forget' various things... it's not you, there's no blame, it's the conditioning.
This is the only way to get the patterns right out where you can see them, and pin them down, sometimes.
"A searching and fearless..." ... you know how the rest of it goes.
And if you start feeling anger or resentment or sadness building up, you have to be prepared to call your sponsor or a T or come here... whichever works for you.
But if we're talking proof, it won't ultimately come from them. It will come from you seeing them in a different light, and that is best accomplished by getting things out into the light, outside yourself, onto paper, and seeing how they stack up.
Again, this is a precarious exercise and you have to be ready to get emotional support immediately if it takes you into intense feelings. But it works. It really works. I have been doing it with regard to some 'impressions' I've had about my workplace, and it's been like dynamiting a rockslide.
And it's not something I advocate returning to again and again. This isn't about wallowing, it's about clarification. Get it all out where you can see it, let it tell you what it tells you when it's complete and open to your sight, and you are in better shape to put it cleanly behind you. Let it linger, let it sit unresolved, and it will continue to fester and reek...