Author Topic: The DandyLion Neighbor  (Read 971 times)


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The DandyLion Neighbor
« on: March 29, 2007, 01:26:21 PM »
I once knew a man
With a stone cold heart
And bold decrees
From his tongue would depart
Viewed himself a perfect man
Of no mistake
Complete in age
Secure and safe
He spent his days in his yard
Gavel in hand
Ranting and raving
about the faults of man
The neighbors hearing his cold decree's
Built their fences lest he might see
An occasional dandylion
Sewn in their yards
Thus fall under his judgments hard
No homemade cookies
Pies or cakes
Of kind salutations could penetrate
The evil suspicions woven in the dark
Incrusting this mans cold cold heart
And the day he died
Not one neighbor cried
But for the sake of respect
they planted one single dandylion
upon his grave
So that even in his eternal sleep
The man could continue to rant and rave

Dedicated in prayer to an old neighbor.... I pray he has found a smile from something