Author Topic: Gift of Prophecy  (Read 1198 times)


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Gift of Prophecy
« on: April 04, 2007, 04:06:27 PM »
Two days ago I called a guy in my town who I have heard has the "gift of prophecy," in other words, he has an extremely close relationship with God and has "feelings" which seem to be true, etc.

So I told him that my nmom and I butt heads and I wished he would pray for me and then later on if God gave him a "word" for me, that he would call me back and let me know his feelings........I told him I was thinking of leaving my store and some basics..........about my situation with nmom.

Well, he proceeded to start talking and taked for about half an hour.  He told me that he saw that my mom "heaped condemnation on me my whole life."  Then he quoted Romans 8 - Therefore there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.......

He also said that my basic needs had not been met......needs for love, understanding, validation, security, respect, admiration, comfort and appreciation - and that I have no authority.

He really hit the nail on the head and by the end of the conversation I was crying and writing down everything he told me. 

He also told me that nmom has the same needs but she gets them through maniupulation........demands......"YOU WILL RESPECT ME!!"  I notice my family always demands respect.....must be a generational thing.  He also said that I should look at her childhood and realize that she is living life as a reaction to not being validated as a child.

So his advice to me was to pray like a laser beam towards my mom.  He said I should pray blessings on her aggressively.

He also told me that I have this desire for revenge.  Also that the pain and bitterness has become a stronghold and it is really holding me back to be all that I can be, in other words, it is getting in my way to live my I have been praying for her.  That God would soften her heart and that he would bless her and make her nice.  So we will see!!!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Gift of Prophecy
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 07:06:11 PM »
Wow Oc,

He has us all there!

He also said that my basic needs had not been met......needs for love, understanding, validation, security, respect, admiration, comfort and appreciation - and that I have no authority.

I am so sorry that there are so many of us who have been denied this, likely from the FOO. I (JMHO) believe it all begins with our upbringing--

We needed boundaries, guidance, love, a pat on the back now and again, to feel safe/not afraid ad infinitum.

I think boundaries can be established when the child is an newborn--scheduling eating, bathing, sleeping, cuddling, playing and

Who am I to talk--but I had my daughter on a schedule and she was such a good baby and child and I think she grew up with better boundaries than I had, until the N

We all know that almost anyone can be influenced by an N---except for those already having been through the ordeal--those dam*ed con men have it down pat.

just rambling

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Re: Gift of Prophecy
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2007, 10:43:47 PM »
OC - Did he know you or did he get all of that from your conversation and then prayer?  Thank you for sharing that.  I have known that I have a terrible problem with condemnation - that I took it on as a child and then it became self-condemnation.  I know that verse as well and pray often for the lifting of that self-condemnation.

For some time I have been so frustrated with my impatience and internalized rage towards my mother.  For months now I have tried to view her with love, real love, true unfettered love - to no avail.  I am so glad you have shared this with us.  It is the answer I have been looking for.  I know that my mother has the same needs that I have - the ones you described in the profecy words.  I have known not to turn a hard heart towards her because I would be the loser but I have had little success.  So now you give me the tool.

pray like a laser beam towards my mom.  He said I should pray blessings on her aggressively.

I can do that and I will.  Not necessarily for her but for me and for my son and of course she will benefit as well.  Last Tuesday before I met with my prayer group I picked up the Bible and turned to Mark 7 or 8.  In that chapter Jesus is talking about the 5th commandment - Honor thy father and mother that it may go well with you.  I knew that was for me.  It is obviously a commandment that I have struggled with understanding what "honor" means.  But you have given me the answer that is appropriate for me.  I have been trying to get that answer for several years, then last Tuesday I was refocused on it and today I get the answer.  All I can say is, "Thanks."  Thanks for sharing those words and thanks for the real encouragement that will carry me far on a day that I have really needed a boost and for an answer to a question I have asked for several years.

I want to say more, to hold on to this connection, to experience the change right here at this moment but I am going to let go here and take your gift and try praying blessings on my mother aggressively. - thanks - GS


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Re: Gift of Prophecy
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 06:59:18 AM »
Yes he knows me-Kinda.  He is my Neighbor and my daughter baby sits for him.  He knows my younger cousin.  He is in his early 30s so we do not hang with the same people.  I also am reading a pretty intense book called Prayers That Heal The Heart by Virkler.  It talks of breaking generational sin and negativve soul ties.  I am trying too.  I need to get rid of all this anger and malice.  It just hurts me.  I am so glad it helps you.  It is helping me as well!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Gift of Prophecy
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2007, 07:26:28 AM »
>>>It talks of breaking generational sin <<<<

i've heard this expression of generational sin before, and wondered if it meant  in physciatric terms what is mental disorders , like skitsophrenia or manic depression or N or sociopathy ? 


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Re: Gift of Prophecy
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2007, 08:24:01 AM »
Well what I think it means is anything that gets passed on from generation to generation-like anger or negativity.  Or sometimes sexual sin like adultery or affairs.  I dont know he genetics is "sin" but more an inclination towards pathology.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"