Leah, I'm sorry you're in the same boat, though I wasn't sure whether it was loneliness or not feeling very grown up. Either way, thanks for the hugs and here's one back. ((((Leah))))
Thank you. "The only adult who can rescue the 4 y/o me is the adult me." And doing something about it. You are so right. Thanks for your starch and maturity. I need to re-read Escape from Intimacy myself. I think I've chosen several friends who in fact have trouble being close, so it makes sense that I would feel bereft of intimacy if I only focus on them. I was reminding myself today that there are surely other women in my church who would welcome a friend who does want to spend time. So I need to reach out and be that friend, not chase the less available.
You helped me see that her response was part of the situation, not just my mistaken projection. It wasn't loving and reassurance, more like "you're incorrect"...ow. She and I have had heartfelt talks at times, and I had thought we were quite close. But I think she prefers things always light, so I can stop expecting something deeper. And sure, I could check out some other groups and organizations. No reason to put ALL my eggs in the church basket.
Sea Storm,
Thank you for seeing it, seeing something on both sides. She in fact is the friend who also has a very very N mother, and that's what we bonded over. But a single-issue friendship could falter. She didn't mean to be hurtful, I'm sure. (I like being a friendly puppy, and there are plenty of trees!)
Big hugs back, (((((((((TT))))))))) Feeling much better. Hope you're doing better too.
GS, it's true, the adage about people with money not wanting to know about the realities of those who don't. I swear, if I ever accumulate any, I wouldn't want to be that way. I'm thrilled to hear you're feeling so much more self-respect. Bravo. And for your business, too. Mine's just a dream for a side income, for now, but who knows? It is a catchy idea and could grow. Slowwwwly.
Thanks, all. I am always so comforted to be here.