A little update :
I understand the power of love .
This has occurred from the weight of years of guilt and shame (that I have carried far too long) being dropped from my shoulders.
I have a lot to do organize my home and to have clear focus on my children to guide and help them when needed .
But there is clarity I have never known before.

Here on this board I have had a few meltdowns but because of the struggle for freedom within I have found this clear thinking and a calm within.
Now finding that I alone from within have the tools to bring about the peace I have sought for so long.And then share this with others .........
Write has a 16 week plan I have a 3 year plan .(Hiya Write I need more time to make lists tee hee)

Really my plans come from a daily mediation to ponder the power of love.
To condition the subconscious and then daily consciousness that love is truly the greatest power in the solar system ,and this in turn can be a great catalyst to possible transformation.
The more love you can accept within your heart the more aligned you can become with your head then combine the two and light & love then wisdom automatically is given.(heart and mind)
I see beauty in little actions,and in words and am so grateful (love is the greatest key along with an open heart) .
note on bipolar I am not sad I have shared this fact with anyone people either understand it me or do not this does not bother as much as it did .
I do realize I will experience fear and anxiety but I have accepted this fact and am do everything to minimize anxiety and if I do get scared I know I can count on me to be strong and it will be over soon enough.
Understanding self and kindness to self also forgiving self can make possible a new path where empowerment occurs .
This is an idea I have waited too long too put into action.
thank you for listening and alway the miracle of this board for changing lives.......

so much love to you
But it is now again and what a great time to begin...............