In reply to : poetprose
Yes, you are right on with your thoughts on this subject! I do need to realize my boundaries, which isn't easy when you are taught early on to respect your parents, no matter what-It's easier to "respect" when at a distance- I was taught "voicelessness" at an early age, I'd guess about 3 years old, and at serious times when a child needed to have a voice.
Now that I have a "voice" I think I am afraid of what I would say to her in a tense situation! I say this because she is my Mother but she behaves like a 12 year old which is mind boggling when trying to make a point- I refuse to go back to the way we were before. She is single and very dependent on me and based on a letter she sent me last week, she hasn't learned anything over the past year except that she couldn't control the length of the separation. She finally realized that I am going to take all the time I need.
Back to boundaries, It's going to take much work on my part, my scars run deep, I'm a bit "gun shy". This move my have been courageous, but not without sacrifice, she has managed to include my siblings and my oldest son into her misery, which in turn has pushed them away. My son called me up scolding me-that is until I explained the real story to him. See the chaos when I'm not in her life? Imagine it when I am available. Much, much work ahead. Thank-you for your input.