I have had so many posts I wanted to contribute to this week or start and no energy to do it, so I guess it's time for me to take a real-life time-out.
I've been working so hard for months and last month's stress-fest with ex and son took a lot out of me.
I put a halt to my divorce; yes I know, but it was one of those things, there was a mistake and my papers came back just that week that ex kicked off- I don't want to do magical thinking or be superstitious but it seemed like an omen.
Then my finances went awry with illness/ extra doc bills/ psychology bills for son/ car repairs...so maybe it was a G_d thing.
I have this happen a lot this synchronicity.
Ex has calmed down loads and is thinking about going back to psychiatrist now.
I feel manipulated but also responsible for my son; got to think this through and manage it better.
Told ex off about something he was sayign to son yesterday and said he was suckign all the energy from the situation. He said I always do that, take everyone's power, make people feel diminuished.
I was astonished. He hasn't had insight into others before. Does it mean he is developing empathy? Don't know, depends what he does with it I suppose.
Son is fine again, seems happy and relaxed.
I did tell my ex in no uncertain terms that I have facilitated everythign for everyone else but if he can't manage more parental consistency then son needs to come and live with me full-time.
Ex says he doesn't want that and he will be more nurturing.
It's sort-of never-ending I guess.
I met this guy at church, we've been dancing around each other.
It's funny, I got out a book on commitment phobia, thinking that was him, read a bit of it and- it's me!
I am terrified of commiting to another relationship- and ending up responsible for another person like with ex.
Time to go get ready. Going to see a play at church.
I've got a terrific head-cold, I'm still stuck with ex, my financial planning is going awry, I'm exhausted. But actually that core strength which I told y'all I was working on is coming...it's just a bad day.
I met a new psych doc a few days ago, was very assertive and showed him my updated detailed care plan. We talked for ages over the appointment time and at the end he said how well I have everything managed.
It's been a long long process, some of you have seen a lot of it the past few years here.
And it's not over with ex of course, that's ongoing and may be for a long time to come.
But life is pretty good even on a bad day.
I went out back earlier and picked a four leaf clover; nature always hands us symbols when we look!
Take care everyone, love to everyone. Happy Easter!
I wrote that yesterday, sorry it's such a ramble I just let it flow.
Last night i slept only 4 hours so my illness is maybe kicking in.
So much for ex developing empathy, just had a chat with him about all the stress last month. "what stress?'
I guess he's done what he sees as important, kept me hooked into him.
I think I will go file the divorce soon, but he's pressuring me to be home for son over the summer. i can't really refuse can I.