Author Topic: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?  (Read 2583 times)


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Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:52:41 AM »
I've read various coments from  the victoms of N's, and Socioptahs, suggesting  these people should "have a stamp" on the forehead"..

and it got me thinking, what is so wrong with an identifier, a mark which warns people , alerts people to whom they are dealing with?

is it a possibility? it says in the bible that God put a mark on Cain, after he killed his brother, he did this so no body would harm him for what he had done

maybe hard core criminals should be branded ? any thoughts ,  there does indeed seem to be a call from the victoms to educate others as to whom to avoid and why, 


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 08:52:49 AM »
I think the problem with that solution is because of who would be trusted to do the branding.  Would you like the N in your life to be the one who made the decision?  If he/she was, how do you think he would brand you?   

There's also the problem of the possibility of change.  A brand is so very permanent, and I think most people hold out a hope, however unreasonable, that people can change.  Not that they will--but that they can. 

I think that the key variable in the story of Cain was who did the branding and why.  No one now on earth has the same authority and power (nor omniscience, nor righteousness).  I would be reluctant to have anyone less worthy wield the brand.


physciatry could do the "branding", after all they are the ones who are doing the labeling  ie) sociopath, physcopath, Narsasist....Pedifles etc....  it would be an institution of authority, perhaps physciatry could work with the criminal system, courts, jails etc....  to come up with a system which alerts potentiual victoms to whom they are dealing with,  something arround their wrists that can not come off.... anything that is visible to the rest of the populas.......

While it is true that it was God who put the mark on Cain, you have to realise that there was no other justice system in place yet, because there was only Adam-Eve- offspring, Cain and Abel......

If physciatry has the authority to label /diagnose/ then they could have these criminals marked for us, so that our daughters are not dupped by them,  because after all they are "cons" they present a different face than whom they truly are


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 10:48:17 AM »
XN went to a psychiatrist who did some mumbo jumbo over him to cast out his evil spirits, which of course let him off the hook.  His horrible behaviour was not his responsibility it was the evil spirits.  Wouldn't want the likes of hiim branding!



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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 12:18:44 PM »
XN went to a psychiatrist who did some mumbo jumbo over him to cast out his evil spirits, which of course let him off the hook.  His horrible behaviour was not his responsibility it was the evil spirits.  Wouldn't want the likes of hiim branding!


Are you sure he was not telling you a *story*, I've never heard of a physciatrist casting out devils, that sounds more like something done in a church, physciatry doesn't use this approach but their own 10 yrs of training.....   at least i have never heard of it in Canada

who diagnosed your x as a N then?


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2007, 12:26:56 PM »
XN went to a psychiatrist who did some mumbo jumbo over him to cast out his evil spirits, which of course let him off the hook.  His horrible behaviour was not his responsibility it was the evil spirits.  Wouldn't want the likes of hiim branding!


After experiencing several different church revivals I totally believe your story. They encourage their members to "cast out spirits" of mentally ill people, saying the only reason they are mentally ill is possession by evil spirits. The Four square church has encouraged this and they are quite large and growing. My aunt want to become a Nurse so she can work in a hospital and cast out evil spirits that cause sickness. There is a whole movement of people who believe in this, and don't be surprised if in the future you see or hear about it more and more.


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2007, 12:31:22 PM »
After experiencing several different church revivals I totally believe your story. They encourage their members to "cast out spirits" of mentally ill people, saying the only reason they are mentally ill is possession by evil spirits. The Four square church has encouraged this and they are quite large and growing. My aunt want to become a Nurse so she can work in a hospital and cast out evil spirits that cause sickness. There is a whole movement of people who believe in this, and don't be surprised if in the future you see or hear about it more and more. 
yeah I was attending a church once (a sect) i come to find out later...... and they did NOT want me to seek out a physcolgist, to the point of trying to detour me, saying that Jesus was all i needed and prayer for demons......... I said well did you ever stop to think that maybe God uses physcologists and physciatrists to help us too

they would not answer me


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2007, 01:55:57 PM »
you know I read this kind of thing from time to time and I KNOW 100 % that until I got myself healthier it wouldn't have mattered if a person had police tape and danger signs all round them: I was acting out something in me to marry ex, to remarry him and even to some extent since the separation in trying to divorce amicably and well.

And you know with me and him- it's the dysfunctional relationship that we formed as teens and then down the years. I am guessing he would not do most of the behaviours with someone else that I have seen over the years.

I made him try to do a relationship with me when I knew full-well it wasn't possible for him and even now I don't listen when he tells me who he is!

The big difference for my future is am I going to do the same things with other relationships? Talk myself ( and them ) into them/ not back off or leave when I am uncomfortable/ live such a good life that I don't drift into a relationship out of loneliness or need?

And as I am so commitment-phobic that's something else I am working on in therapy too- why all the nice respectful guys don't get my blood and hormones racing and I never take them seriously!

I know now I can't change anything but myself and my little corner of my little world.

did you ever stop to think that maybe God uses physcologists and physciatrists to help us too

absolutely; and in the same way sick or misguided people or Ns can be those roles too.

My current psychologist of almost four years has been wonderful, thank goodness, and my latest psychiatrist seems okay, but I have met my share of abusive or destructive doctors and counsellors and spiritual 'gurus'.

Trust your instinct. If it feels cruel or wrong or abusive- it probably is.

Same with a religion: if it's not love and it's not good it isn't G_d.


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2007, 06:14:50 AM »

No he was not telling me a story.  He showed me the info from the internet and made an appointment to see psychiatrist.  He gave me a tape of some of the session it was weird.  At that stage I dd not care what he did if it would help me.  This guy is a full blown psychiatrist who also recommended mediums to get rid of evil spirits.  It cost him big bucks.

Who diagnosed him as an N.  Well, I did, I have a background in psychology.  XN read all the Sam V stuff I had printed off and said that is exactly how he I guess it was self diagnosise really.  The irony is that one day he was an N according to himself and the next day it was the evil spirits that were doing the "bad things"  Either way HE was not responsible.  It was either his disease or the spirits so he just went on his merry way creating havoc in peoples lives.

To me SAm V is so like XN it is scary and if I forget for one minute what he was like I just go back and read his writings and I am right back with XN.


I agree with you.  I also know until I can read the warning signs and walk away nothing for me is going to change

I made him try to do a relationship with me when I knew fell well it wasnt possible

This is what I was doing also.  I absolutly knew in my heart and soul that there was no one there capable of having a relationship but I did not want to give up.  I was hooked on the "if I love him enough he will see the light and be ok"

For me its knowing when to walk.  I never do, either in a friendship or relationship.  I get the warning signs, ignore them and in some way think I can fix it.  RUBBISH. 

Have you read the book Escape from Intimacy by Anne Wilson Schaff..... Hops recommended it.  I found it mind blowing. 

There will always be people in the world who will use and abuse, that I at last have figured out is not going to change, but it is all about how we deal with them.  Working very hard on this.



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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2007, 07:16:20 AM »
>>>Have you read the book Escape from Intimacy by Anne Wilson Schaff<<<<

No is it a good read? Maybe I will look for it at our Chapters outlet..

>>>>To me SAm V is so like XN it is scary and if I forget for one minute what he was like I just go back and read his writings and I am right back with XN.<<<

Yeah I kind of wonder about him, I go to another forum where he answers questions,  But then I think well why are we listening to him in the first place? if he is a twice diagnosed N, why should we trust his anwers, ?


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2007, 09:22:59 AM »

I think it is worth reading.  I read it from the perspective of my own "romantic" history and also from perspective of XN.  She says somewhere that with relationship addicts it does not matter who the other person is as long as they are in a relationship.  This was not me but it was XN.  I came to see this over time.  Any woman would have done as she would be compartmentalized and he would just use her for supply when he was not getting any elsewhere.  Also it allowed him act out his rages in private rather than public.  The mask was really slipping before I left and he raged in public which allowed others see some of the real him.

About SAm V.  He says he gets supply from being read.  Who cares if we can get something out of it.  I think he boasts about his disorder and is detached from the horror of it and that was how XN was also.  What is ther forum you read him on.  He is really helping me with the no contact and staying on the straight and narrow.  No rose tinted glasses here when I read his stuff.



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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2007, 04:08:43 PM »
For me its knowing when to walk.  I never do, either in a friendship or relationship.  I get the warning signs, ignore them and in some way think I can fix it.  RUBBISH. 

Have you read the book Escape from Intimacy by Anne Wilson Schaff..... Hops recommended it.  I found it mind blowing. 

I've delved in and out of this book and keep going back to it because Hops recommended it and she's a good resource diviner...but I haven't found much that's been helpful to me yet except the chapter on what a healthy relationship looks like.

To be honest although hooking up with toxic people has been a pattern in adult life and I've focussed a lot on them and what they have done, where I am at now is looking at my own commitment phobia.

My therapist suggests it's a very practical thing with me- commitment has always equalled overwhelming responsibility and another person trying to engulf me.

I think my values and religious beliefs fuel my allowing it too.

Think I'll go look up 'Saviour complex'... :)


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2007, 06:15:06 PM »
>>>What is ther forum you read him on.  He is really helping me with the no contact and staying on the straight and narrow.  No rose tinted glasses here when I read his stuff.<<<<

the forum is down i believe until tomorrow morning they are upgrading the  servers ( or something like that), I'll come back and give you the proper link   all i know is that is is  the physcopath and narcassist forum..... 


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2007, 10:17:35 PM »
One big red "X"


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Re: Stamp across the Forhead/ Mark of Cain ?
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2007, 06:39:01 AM »
An "X' marks the spot...

Here is the link where Dr S V has his posts you can ask him questions on this forum
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 06:54:12 AM by poetprose »