I'll check out the 'praise moves' though I can't see that it's any less daft than new age stuff frankly! I read the Bible quite a lot and texts from other faiths, they do help with spiritual balance.
I picked up a book last night which I bought by accident ( or was it...! ) four years ago, there's some useful prayers in that which I really liked.
And already this morning I was so strong at work today, we did an excellent group and then i went to see the manager to tell the universe I need more stability and financial security...there's a post which I would like not there but with her friend, a real challenge which I know I can be good at and would be good for me right now.
I have no permanence in my life & it's affecting everything...I'm even too afraid to grow a plant these days in case it's too much responsibility down the line!
I need to anchor in and deal with the rest of my emotions about my divorce.
Maybe I need reading yoga not doign yoga; this book isn't new age well except for the concept of chakras itself I guess.