Hi all:
Been reading along this thread and thinking a lot. I keep thinking of my friend.
She was one of the sweetest people I ever knew. Kind. Friendly. Polite. Generous. Giving. So very faithful and she relied on God so much. She would offer hope to anyone who was lacking and she would give the clothes off her back, if she thought it would stop someone's suffering. I know these things because I saw the way she treated people and I know the way she treated me. She was a gentle and loving soul.
We were very close. Told eachother our deepest stuff. She babysat my girls, sometimes for me, to give me a break, when they were younger. She was fun and creative and joyful, so much of the time. We had many laughs together and enjoyed many simple pleasures side by side for many years.
But she had dark secrets. Lived through horrible traumas and had been hospitalized ....breaking down mentally. She was on medication, which seemed to work for years and years. She loved her sons, her friends, her pets and worked in a helping field, going into people's homes and helping them. She did a wonderful job and received many accolades. She was well-loved by many.
Then some more trauma happened (I don't want to put the details here because I'd feel like I was disrespecting her privacy....making it possible for someone to identify her). NO I won't do that! But terrible trauma.....emotional....happened again.
And she killed herself by burning her house down with her pets in it.
Did she really make an evil choice?
The woman I knew was not capable of making such a choice.
The woman I knew would give her life rather than harm a poor, defenseless pet.
The woman I knew had courage and a heart of gold.
My opinion:
Anyone of us......everyone of us.......is capable. We all have a breaking point. There is a place so deep and dark and forboding......that will allow any person in.....when the time is right...and once there, we are all capable of horrendous acts. And it is possible for all to be driven there.
To get to that point......the mind goes nuts....or in and out of reality. The soul goes numb....or ceases to be aware. And all that is left is the pain. Function is fueled by pain only. And whether that pain is expressed by psychotic delusions and ravaging rage or by sheer despair and torment.......
the result is similar.
I think we are all capable, which is the scariest thought of all.
What stops some people? Many never reach that breaking point because not enough stuff happens to push them there? Or many people never get that hurt? Or by the grace of God many are simply stronger or luckier or something??
What do I know? Not much. I know my friend had to have been out of her mind to behave like that. And I bet these others.....were out of their's too.
How else can we define insanity? Sane people just don't act like that, do they?
Maybe our definition of insane needs to change?
I just don't believe a person can be sane and do such things. Make a conscious, sane choice. Maybe a conscious choice but not a sane one. They are aware of what they are doing.....but their brain just does not compute that it is insane. It makes perfect sense to them because the wires in their brains are broken, burnt up, missing or otherwise not functioning.
Does that happen to evil people?
My friend was not an evil person. She was a good person. A very sick person, I believe, when she acted so insanely.
So, I find it hard to condemn people who behave in insane ways because I really think that is how to define such behaviour and that one must be insane to act/behave that way. I feel sorry that they broke and acted as they did. I think of their families and wonder if they are victims too? Or part of the breaking process? Stuff drives people insane, sometimes, and it's not their fault. Sometimes, it's not anyone's fault, it's just where the breaking point happens to be. Every one of us has a different tolerance of pain.....a different pain threshold. Who can say where their's is? Or that they will never reach it?
For the victims and their families, I feel deep empathy and sorrow. They happened to be in the wrong the place at the wrong time, just like my friend's pets. I believe these are selfish acts because no one else is considered when they are perpetrated. The person may or may not be aware that they are acting strictly to satisfy their own selfish desires. In that way, we are all a little insane, sometimes. Who does not have selfish desires? So even the victims may wish to retaliate and some......might.
And the cycle of abuse continues.
Most won't and that's the good news. Most will try to survive and heal and some might go on to do incredible things......powerful, helpful, fantastic stuff that makes the world a better place!
It's a reaction to pain, I think. Both types of behaviour. And extreme reactions are possible in either direction.
What decides the direction, might be the real question?