Author Topic: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?  (Read 3916 times)

cats paw

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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2007, 11:00:40 PM »
Hi, ReallyME-

  I have noticed in some of your other posts your being able to stand firmly for what you believe.   Do you attend services?  I remember Hopalong saying how she felt so uplifted by attending.

cats paw


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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2007, 11:20:54 PM »
Cats Paw,

Yes I sure do attend services.  We have a contemporary Christian band and a really down-to-earth pastor.  I'm more into the charismatic style of church, but hubby likes this one, so I'm going with him.



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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2007, 08:54:29 AM »
I am jumping in here a bit late, but here goes...

I have a hard time reconciling beliefs with my H.  H comes across as very spiritual.  He is such a hypocrite though.  He has so much knowledge in his head.  He sits in front of his bible all the time, at the kitchen table so we can all see.  He does this when I watch TV.  I get the feeling he only does it because he wants to show me what I should be doing.  Then, in the middle of a good show he will decide he wants to do a devotion.  Of course, I and the boys will complain because we want to watch how the show ends.  He gets extremely upset and shows us how TV is interfering with things of the Lord (keep in mind my H grew up with no TV and despises it...unless sports are on).  How manipulating is this???  Here is a case where he used our faith to jab it to us to get his way.  I won't pray with my H because he will use it against me somehow as in Why can't you pray for me or with me that way.  Or he will walk away and tell me that was a great were so passionate for her daughter...why can't you be that passionate for me...  I have learned to not pray in a group when H is present.  He assumes I never pray and so be it.  As always, let him think what he wants.  Whenever we go anywhere with unbelievers, he will let his bible lay around in plain view so everyone can see that he reads it and is Godly.  He says he wants to convict others.  He reads certain books in front of them so they will question him about it and it will lead to a spiritual conversation thus leading to share the gospel.  He did this on a cruise we went on with my family.  No one ever asked him about his book.  He was always carrying his bible for the show effect.  Needless to say he was pretty disappointed at the end of the trip.  His whole goal was to share the bible with my Brother-in-law.  It didn't happen.  I have no problem with him sharing the message but I do have a problem in how he tries to go about it.  He uses manipulation tactics and I hate watching him do that. 

I am still trying to reconcile the respecting your husband scripture(husbands are commanded to love their wife and wives are commanded to repect their husband.).  How do i respect someone who acts so poorly, accusing me of all kinds of things, being nasty and manipulative.  The only time he shows me love is in the bedroom.  He puts on his adoring I am the best thing that has happened to him.  BUT..if I tell him I am too out.  He can't accept that.  How dare I say no.   How do I respect him in light of that crap! 

I have learned to feel sorry for him.  the more time I spend around his father, the more I understand why H is like he is.  My H has no clue that he does this stuff.  He can reason it all to be right.  I find it very sad.  I do get angry for all the years i didn't know about this personality disorder.  For 10 good years he steam rolled over me.  It was hell.  I can look at that and know that it was a character building thing.  I can think the Lord put me with him to correct the error in his ways....through God all things are possible!  If God is in control of all things, I must know that he has good things planned for me.  First we have to rid my H of the sins of his the meantime build character in me. 

This is a good thread. 


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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2007, 10:35:05 AM »
I would tell him that I would be glad to do devotions  at a set time each day.  Also I think a lot of guys make lame attempts at romance in order to get laid.  My h comes into the room and says "wanna do it?"  Thats it for romance.  I even tell him I need him to be more romantic.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2007, 11:28:13 AM »
Hi Cat's Paw - I understand your question and am glad you asked it. Here's the way I think about it: I used to be so angry with both my Nparents - I took everything they said and did personally and retaliated. I was constantly hurt by their attitudes, actions, words, lack of action, - everything. Then I decided the anger was hurting me more than them. I certainly wasn't respectful or honoring of them. I just didn't see anything to respect or honor them for. I was right, given the ugliness of my childhood, but it wasn't getting me anywhere to continue the hostilities. So, after a hard 18 mos. in therapy, I let go of the anger, the hostility, and began to relate to them as just regular people, not parents who were supposed to be such-and-such a way towards me. The other part of it was more shameful and self-serving: I simply refused to take the chance on them writing me out of their will by alienating them. I had put up with SO much from them for years, I was damned if I'd lose that one benefit. So, I began to treat them as I would any person who treated me with disdain and tried to humiliate me: Without any anger, I would walk out of the room or hang up the phone when they became insulting or abusive, even if I had to make up an acceptable excuse to do it (someone's at the door, omg, the dog just threw up on my couch, etc.). With my dad, I even threw back some comments of my own when he got started. Then my dad died, thankfully. I don't apologize for saying "thankfully" b/c he was a sadist as well as an N. Mother still does some of the same old things, but without me, she'd be in hot water, so I can count on her being nice b/c she needs me. The result has been that I feel I am, have been respecting and honoring them by being myself, being truthful without confrontation, and deflecting their hurtfulness without anger. For me it was excising the anger, leaving only what I considered respect and honor, even if it wasn't the way others would do it.

I feel for you as you struggle with this question for yourself.

"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
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cats paw

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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2007, 01:28:07 PM »

  Thanks for posting about a different relationship other than parental.  I thought of a book I read a long time ago called "When God Becomes A Drug" by Leo Booth.  He was a keynote speaker at a seminar I went to a long time ago.  There are lots of books that could be informational- put the title in Amazon's search if you're interested.  That book came to my mind when I read your post.

   I appreciate your candor.  Different people told me I was nuts when I had a frank discussion with my mother that any possible inheritance one way or the other would not be something that I would be manipulated with.  As much as it was about boundaries, it was also about my own integrity.


  I enjoy all your posts.  There is so much that is not only specifically applicable but multi-applicable.

cats paw


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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2007, 08:39:40 PM »
catspaw, thanks for the book referral.  I had no idea that our faith is used in that way.  I ordered that book and another about pharisees.  Something else new that will enlighten me. 

CB, thanks for enlightening me on the "dance".  I do dance.  I am learning some new moves...stepping on his toes :twisted:.  That is one of the things I was going to work on with my therapist. 

All these divorces are so discouraging.  I really don't want a divorce.  It would be my second.  I can't do that...I just can't.  I know my H will never be normal.  I can learn how to deal with it................can't I???????????????? 


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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2007, 08:58:51 PM »
I know my H will never be normal.  I can learn how to deal with it................can't I???????????????? 

Hi camper

I'm going to answer your question in the general sense, first, and in the specific sense - to the extent that I can - after that.

In general, it is always possible to learn how to deal with a full-blown narcissistic husband. Absolutely, as long as we understand - completely - and agree - completely - that we will do all of the emotional work in the relationship, that we will do all of the giving in the relationship, that we will never be allowed to be fragile, or needy, or weak, or old, or ill; that only he is allowed to need, and take, and that this will be done always without thanks, or gratitude, or even acknowledgement. That it is now, and ever shall be, about him, world without end, amen, and never, not once, not for even the briefest, faintest glimmer of time, ever, about us. That for all we give, and all we give up, we can never expect more than complaint, indifference, or outright abuse; and that in an instant, in the blink of an eye, like snow melting on the hearth, as soon as someone else promises more - more attention, more youth, more beauty, more sex, more adulation, more money, more endurance, more 'connections' to more of 'the right people', he'll be gone as if he never were, leaving us exhausted, defeated, and alone.

As long as we understand and accept these terms, then yes, we can deal with it. The only question remaining is why anyone would think that we deserve to...

Now; specifically; only you know how deep the narcissism runs in the person you love. Only you will be able to decide how much is too much, how much is too little, and where you will have to draw your lines and take your stands. One piece of very specific advice: Draw the lines. Take the stands. How he reacts - both in the instant and after he has had time to reflect - will give you your answers. Everything else is theory.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2007, 09:08:56 AM »
general, it is always possible to learn how to deal with a full-blown narcissistic husband. Absolutely, as long as we understand - completely - and agree - completely - that we will do all of the emotional work in the relationship, that we will do all of the giving in the relationship, that we will never be allowed to be fragile, or needy, or weak, or old, or ill; that only he is allowed to need, and take, and that this will be done always without thanks, or gratitude, or even acknowledgement. That it is now, and ever shall be, about him, world without end, amen, and never, not once, not for even the briefest, faintest glimmer of time, ever, about us. That for all we give, and all we give up, we can never expect more than complaint, indifference, or outright abuse; and that in an instant, in the blink of an eye, like snow melting on the hearth, as soon as someone else promises more - more attention, more youth, more beauty, more sex, more adulation, more money, more endurance, more 'connections' to more of 'the right people', he'll be gone as if he never were, leaving us exhausted, defeated, and alone.

Stormchild:  This is coming from someone who is still trying to come to grips with an N.   I don't see that my H is a full-blown narcissistic husband.  There are many traits he doesn't have.  Like, we will do all of the emotional work in the relationship isn't a problem.  In fact, my H is sooo emotional I have to be the opposite to balance him.  He wears his emotions on his sleeve.  It is very clear when he is disgusted or angry.  If I point out to him these emotions, he will deny them.  So now I say, "you seem____".  He still denies it but he will erase that look off his face and go about his way.  He's funny.  The look that bothers me the most is the smug look.  I hate that look.  It gets to my core.

as soon as someone else promises more - more attention, more youth, more beauty, more sex, more adulation, more money, more endurance, more 'connections' to more of 'the right people', he'll be gone as if he never were, leaving us exhausted, defeated, and alone.

My H is very caught up with always doing the right thing.  It is not even about his faith.  He would never have an affair, never leave me.  Something about his dad never giving him praise, he always does the right thing to get praise.  If someone asks him to do something, he will do it in the exact way(even if it doesn't make sense).  He will do it now.  If he has some friend who he looks up to and who does a certain thing, he will emulate that person and implement this thing into our family...even if it doesn't work for our family.  He will do it just because his friend does it and it must be the right thing.  Then he proceeds to tell everyone he is doing this good thing.  He digs for pats on the back. 

My H is extremely needy.  I call him " high maintenance"  I can tell when I do too many things (ei. at church) he starts acting out and I know I need to cut back.  Last summer, I went camping with a friend often, during the weekday.  My H has to work so he couldn't always be there.  It drove him crazy and he tended to make our life miserable.  I love camping without him but it's not worth it.  We got a permanent site only 20 minutes from our house.  It'll be easier to deal with him. 

My H doesn't have anger issues.  In fact, he doesn't allow anger.  Sometimes I get really angry with him and he will point out that I am the one angry, not him.  Therefore, it must be all my problem.  When I am ready to calm down, he will talk.  He doesn't physically abuse me.  I don't deal with that stuff. 

We went on a road trip once and H read everyone's bumper sticker and went on to bah whoever was in the car.  I thought about it for quite a while before I finally asked him to please stop bashing everyone who has a bumper sticker you don't agree with.  That is not right and what are you teaching our boys in doing this.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if you don't agree.  He has quit and doesn't do that anymore.  I have since read how he is defining people from the outside in.  Almost like he is in their head and can know their thoughts.  He is definitely a Mr. Know-it-all.  So now when he goes on and on defining someone, I will point out that he doesn't know that and he'll say, "that's just what I think".  Even my 12 yo will point out he doesn't know.  I love it that my son picked that up and see that!

My H likes it that I have friends.  He likes it that I do things with them.  I am not isolated.

One major problem is that my H defines me often.  And I let him!  We were thinking of leaving our church at one point and he decided we were going to stick it out at our church.  He told everyone that "we" really like our church and see great things happeing.  There is another church that I had really wanted to go to.  I love this other church.  I still want to go to that other church so badly.  He tells everyone "we" don't agree with their doctrine...when in fact I do agree.  I have swept that under the carpet.  Moving forward, I will speak my mind!  I realized I need to stop letting him do that to me.

I sure didnt mean to imply that I'm encouraging divorce as a solution

CB, I didn't think that at all!!!  I am referring to all the other threads.  Seems like everyone is going through a divorce or they have been there, done that.  I appreciate your bird's eye view.  I think you have a lot to offer me(so therefore I will be your friend?....I sound like an N).  Who knows, in standing up to my H and setting boundaries, maybe he won't be able to take it.  He can't handle rejection at all!  It's his way or the highway.  If I back down and tell him to just do it his way, he will reverse and do it my way but in the end he points out my error because of course he will make my way fail.  then I find myself apologizing(no more though).

If I at anytime seem ignorant, tell me.  I am about as open minded as a person can be.  I love you all and am so glad I found this site!

Hops guest

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Re: How have you reconciled certain beliefs?
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2007, 05:51:10 PM »
Yoicks. Painful memories.

I am, for me personally and my own life history and my own mind, very grateful that I finally said to myself: If God is love and only love, then I believe in God. Otherwise, I don't worry about a deity. Might be one, might not be one. I use the language when I pray, but normally just to express gratitude.

What that led to isn't right for everyone but very right for me. I stopped believing that scripture is holy. For me, now, I've realized it's...writing. Ancient, passed-down writing, from remarkable men. (And Jesus was a real person, to me.) The scriptures, to me, are often deep, hugely meaningful in their impact on the world. But now, I see that for me, The Book, is a book. That dawning sense of what is true (for me) came with struggle, because it scared me. But after years of wrestling, I'm there. And it has released me from more pain and fear and misery...particularly the kind that said, abnegate yourself to be good, to be what you were taught is what a woman should be...

I am even unsure any more whether or not I believe marriage is an ideal situation (this is one part of me...the other would love to meet the right kind, honest, funny middle-aged man and share my life). During my ordinary non-fantasizing days, though, I'm getting happier. And a lot of it is the feeling that I don't have to explain myself to anyone else, negotiate around an oblivious or uncaring partner, etc..

As a devout little girl, I never imagined I'd be here, but I am.

I think beliefs can be prisons, especially when it comes to beliefs about what your gender dictates about how you should think, feel, behave.... "Belief" itself is a word, and human language evolved along with canopeners. I don't ever again want to be imprisoned by books or traditions or beliefs that harm my essentially joyful soul. Not gonna do it. Can't.

Hope the faithful here will forgive me for sharing this. I know it's discomfiting but it's a pretty deep part of me, that I seldom get to express. Thank you for tolerating it.

(Soul. There you go. Language is embedded so deeply.)
