What would you do in this situation, anyone?
For the past couple of years, since we first went to the US, my husband and I have been thinking that we'd like to live over there one day. We haven't made much progress (we're in the UK, the visa thing is rather complicated), but we're looking at all the avenues.
Now, the thing is...our families don't yet know about this. As far as hubby's family goes it's not really a problem, but it might be if it got back to mine.
My (much) older brother has been talking about emigrating for some time and has made no secret of wanting to move to the US. He already has a second home out there (not the same area we're interested in, unfortunately). His ideal is to retire out there, but the visa regs don't allow for it...well, not yet. However, it's something I'd like to be able to get our heads together on, share ideas and info. My brother is a pretty easy-going sort of guy who'd be happy to talk about it.
Trouble is...I don't for one minute think the Nmother will like the idea.
Him emigrating, well, yes...I mean, that would still mean
I'd be in the country. Look after her. Maybe move, if it left nobody else near her. After all, that's what daughters
do. Daughters don't have plans of their own...right? Especially me, because after all, nothing I've done has ever worked out (yeah, right, because someone stomped on every plan I ever made), I only have stupid pie-in-the-sky ideas and I should just forget about it and get on with everyday life (i.e. drop everything and attend to her....)
Excuse me, but...screw that. Maybe I
do have plans. And why not?
As it happens, my SIL doesn't reckon either he or she would want to leave the UK permanently while either of their mothers were still alive. And she has carers in every day to attend to her needs. And she just survived both of us being on vacation at the same time (tried to give me the guilt trip before we went, which I'm pretty sure she didn't try on my brother...I'm grateful we flew out before they did). But I'm guessing the Nmother wouldn't see it like that.
And it may be a very, very long time before our plans get anywhere in any case. I have no illusions about how fast immigration services aren't.

And, I'm guessing I might get the 'how could you?' reaction from a few people on the outskirts of the family, although frankly it's none of their business.
I'm really not sure if it's something I should even mention. At this stage, or any stage.
And it would be easy, too easy, to say that it would be 'running away' for us. I would think that, too, if I didn't feel such a strong pull to the place we want to live in.
Anyone, any thoughts at all on this?