Divorce and separation for me was a heart and life built together, split in two. How can this not create pain and instability? The landscape I knew and came to accept as my life has been altered permanently, and a big part of it has disappeared.
I'm reminded of a brief line in a kids movie that affected me deeply.
The little mouse is lost and seperated from his loved ones, feeling fear, grief, anxiety and unsure of the future.
He says to himself "I feel this great hole, this great emptiness inside myself."
Then he pauses and says, "I wonder what was there before?"
So I asked myself, "What was there before this person came into my life? Why didn't this hole, this emptiness exist before my life became entwined with my partner? What was instead of this vacuum, previously?"
My answer for myself was, "Me", meaning my youth, vitality, optimism, plans, dreams and friends."
I gave a lot of "Me" away in those 'relationship' years, "The 'We' Years". And the parts I didn't give away, I think I simply neglected and allowed to die. So I saw our separation as a confronting moment, and what I thought was grieving for as a 'window of opportunity' to save "Me". The "Me" that I was left with, and I knew had to build on that.
I was a different 'animal' to one I was before I entered the experience of living with someone with NPD. For a start, there was a lot less of me, but what had survived was good and strong and powerful.
That's what I'm building on now. The emptiness I felt was for the most part self-created. The dreams and illusions I had re the other person, had been mostly of my own creation. The sacrifices I'd made I'd made willingly in hope of ideal responses. So, for me, it was timely and good to lose this way of being.
Wishing you all the best.