Author Topic: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"  (Read 33098 times)


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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2007, 04:23:39 PM »
Ah, note the nasty swipe being taken at Mommy now. "Pathologically incapable" indeed.

I'd say we have a very clear picture of who the pathological one is, and it's not the mother.

Edit in: and the 'sadness' about the information being released? Classic N reaction to having their viciousness exposed.

Ya know.... I'm real hesitant to point fingers at either parent as the N apparent, in this scenario. It seems to me that the N's are the people driving pothers into behavior this crazy.  For all I know.... Kim's an N and she's driven her ex insane, lol.  N's seem to be more stealthy and their victims seem to be the ones running about looking angry and crazy, kwim? 

Having said that..... I'm sad for the child and hope neither parent is an N.   Perhaps this is the typical post mating ritualistic dance of most divorces..... sacraficing our children to the God's of Hate and Vengeance?  Hard to say, really.  Margo


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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2007, 04:57:23 PM »

Hi everyone,

I feel grateful for technology that is able to record things so maybe some of the abuse will stop.

Baldwin went from razzle - dazzle to frizzle - frazzle!  Maybe this will change the hearts of those (if there are others besides him) who are hurting Ireland.  She's old enough to observe and remember the changes (if any) that come from this.   And if she chooses, tell her story someday.  I can't imagine the affects this will have on  her personal day to day life with her peers.  It has to be an embarrassing and tough place for her.

How many broken hearts can burden a culture before it sees the light?  I know these lyrics reach for the ideal and that peace on earth will never be, but this song came to mind as I've thought of recent eventsl

Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
the peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me
let this be the moment now.
With every step i take
let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
and live each moment
with peace eternally.
Let ther be peace on earth,
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
the peace that was meant to be.
With god as our father
brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me
let this be the moment now.
With every step I take
let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
and live each moment
in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me.
fade out...



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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2007, 05:02:55 PM »
There is a sadness in me that few here are at all interested in this topic.  It is one that touches the very dark ploaces that brought me here.  I have been feeling a little alienated lately as though my interests are mine alone.  Sometimes I pour my heart out on a post and get no response at all.  And when I view that logically it makes perfect sense but in my wounded heart it is deeply painful - another example of not fitting in and not fitting in here is painful indeed because here is a load of people who are compassionate and empathetic.  So if I am alone here, if my words and my concerns fall on deaf ears here then I am truly alone.

I know this sounds like a strange reaction to posting on a topic that others are simply not interested in but this topic goes to the core of the Nism that I grew up with and I realize that I am alone in it.  I lived in such fear and with such a crushed spirit and was so unaware of it.  I knew that none of my desires would come to fruition and internalized that my desires were flawed. 

Can you imagine the fear that child was in from the time she received that message unti the judge protected her.  The fear that she would pay the price of a full day of rage from her father "showing her".  I lived in that fear with each and every mistake that I made and I weep that I have not been able to put that fear aside.  Instead I have learned to be paralyzed from fear of mistakes and have learned to condemn and criticized myself and expect flaws and expect condemnation and expect rejection.

This news story illuminated my 11 year old life to me.  In the middle of the night I dreamt about an experience from the spring of my 7th grade year.  I was 12.  This story had taken me directly back to that age.  There was something that I wanted to do, that the other girls in my class (all five of them) were going to do but my parents said no.  They said no in a way to make clear that my desire was flawed and below our social status.  Nevermind that others in my class were their friends children.

I don't know what to do with all of this - the loneliness is excruciatingly painful. I chose to believe that this is part of the process of opening up the past for the healing light to shine in.  I am ready to heal and longing to heal.  I believe in healing.  I see it all around me here. 

I experience the message by Alec Baldwin as life crushing and the split reaction to it to be reflective of our society.  I am heartened by the sizable reaction of shock.  I am so surprised that there is hardly a wrinkle of reaction here of all places.

(((()))))  I think many here are dealing with overwhelming emotions and situations that make it hard to post consitently.  I know that's the case for me, at least.  

I honestly don't know what kind of mother Kim is.... or what kind of father Alec's been through the years so I'm hesitant to really judge.  For all I know... .both parents are N's or using the child to jerk each other around.  That doesn't excuse his behavior, of course but..... I can understand being driven crazy by someone who's been doing terrible and unfair things to me for years.... that no one else could see or would believe if they knew about.  margo  


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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2007, 05:40:02 PM »
There is a sadness in me ----etc.

I am truly sorry for what this episode had done to you, GS.

I expect most people view this in different ways. I told my Therapist about my view and she was the same as I--------------so I no longer worried about not crying my eyes out for days. Life goes on and it will for others the day I die!

Sometimes I, too, have something to say, and if the responses are few, then I expect I typed it in an not understandable way.,

My daughter says she doesn't understand what I say!

I told her, that come therapy, I "would do it my way, now!" This was because I had been doing all this research! She misunderstood because I didn't repeat about all the research and what I had learned SO.................. took it as my being controlling.

Mistakes can be made but Baldwin's voice recording is not a fake.

I sent a cheque to my daughter for Valentines's Day. I finally wrote to her about her inabillity to acknolwedge a gift. She didn't say anything about that until finally on MARCH 3, she opened her mail to find the chequethen e-mailed a thank you--------------from Feb 14th she doesn't open her mail-????--------------I don't believe it! I cannot believe she lied!!!!!

Take Care . GS

My therpist says that sometimes we can be more worried about things "at home" Like what do we do when a strange 'boy/soldier' dies in Iraq? We know nothing about him, can say a prayer for his soul, and his grieving parents, and never know his name but......................the toast is burning and the kid just fell down the stairs......we forget the unknown soldier goes on!



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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2007, 05:41:16 PM »
Remember that movie Alex Baldwin was in.  Forgot the movie but he's on trial, he's a big surgeon and they say to him. You think you are God and he replies,  No I am God!!
Big N? maybe.




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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2007, 11:44:15 PM »

As Cat's Paw said, I am not drawn to focus on the Baldwin story. I loathe bullies. But I do care about what your bullying parents have done to you. And what you do to yourself. I don't respond to things often, sometimes it's because I have a dozen threads to read and I know I can't type on all of them.

I understand what it's like to take things personally. I hope you'll read When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron.

Stormy, I agree with you so much, and I am sobered by the deep viciousness of the bullying you went through.

CB, your boys are on their way to full-grown. And one day, I hope they stand nose to nose with him and tell him what they think of him. (If they're even still in touch....) I am so sorry for what all of you went through, so proud to know you and learn from your rebellion (never ever too late to be beautiful)...

love from a sleepy
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Sea storm

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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2007, 02:23:16 AM »
gaining strength,

You are gaining strength by pointing out how you feel about not being responded too. Boy, that takes courage. I care how you feel. Sometimes I need to be woken up to notice. That is sad but true.
I am thankful that you put the info about Alec Baldwin and his horrible whining and badgering of his 11 year old daughter. Posting it here helps to show what a sick bastard he is. As for the damage he has done to his daughter........ that is incalculable.  And she has probably heard this can't of rant many times. The poor kid. there is nothing that can prepare a child for that kind of soul destroying name calling.

I shudder to think that you experienced the same kind of verbal abuse as a child. Hearing this on the tape must have triggered the horror for you. I am sitting here trying to think of what to say that could help. You are valuable and no one ever ever deserves to be torn apart verbally. It is the person who is haranguing that is off base and psychotic. 

Alec Baldwin says that people tell him that he is no different than many other parents he knows.  Hmmmm, isn't that lovely and affirming for him,,,,,, the friends must be arrogant, ignorant weenies like him. As I listened to the tape I thought that AB was sounding infantile and petulant. He wanted his daughter to meet his emotional needs and was completely oblivious to his daughter's needs. This is such a classic situation. The little kid frozen and listening patiently and calmly to the insane parent while the child shatters inside. There is no where to hide and no place of safety developed inside the child where they can buttress against such tyranny and evil.

I hope that Ireland has a place like this with people like here to hear her story. She will be believed. Many, many incidences will be forgotten by the time she is an adult but there will be a black hole of fear in her that will be triggered when she hears a man or woman lashing out, blaming, shaming, name-calling and trying to destroy. I hope that you can talk about that abuse that you experienced.

I remember a time when my daughter was five and i was leaving her to go to japan. I left her with her father. She got her arm caught in the elevator door and it was terrifying. He managed to get her arm out of the door and then he tore into her for being so stupid. WHat a fool and a stupid ass he was. She was so little in her nice little dress all dressed up for daddy with a little purse and all. She loved him and he was destroying her.  Years later I asked her if she remembered getting her arm caught in the elevator and she couldn't recall it. I thank god so much that she had the resilience to survive his cruelty.

I am thankful that you survived the cruelty that you experienced too GS. talk about it. Thanks for posting the incident of the abusive father. Thanks for the wake up call.

I am also wondering about he family dynamics in this case. Baldwin has been exposed as a frightening bully and out of control anger addict.  There are some pretty dark things going on in that family and I can only hope that the deadly triangle will see some light shone on it after this exposure. How does healing happen in such a family. How can Ireland become safe from all this? How can Alec and his ex begin to heal?

Sea Storm


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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2007, 04:33:39 AM »
To everyone here who feels the pain I wish comfort and strength

RE:  A Baldwin/Kim

And once again the child suffers.



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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2007, 10:34:47 AM »
Baldwin's rant is so similar to the many vitriolic rants my ex did it's eery. One time in particular I remember my daughter was in grade school maybe 3rd grade and she drew a self portrait to be displayed during parent teacher conferences. The parent (my ex went in for the 1 time in his life) was supposed to pick out the portrait of their child. Well he picked the wrong one. Of course she was crestfallen. All it took was her sad expression to throw him into a rage. "I work my ASS off all day for you. Then I go to your STUPID parent teacher conference and I have to pick out your STUPID picture. When I get it wrong, I get THIS TREATMENT from you!" ETC, ETC.

1. Unjustified anger at levels far above what's normal.
2. Blaming the victim
3. There's always some little kernel of truth in there that's desperate for his own attention (I work so hard...) For Baldwin it was "feel sorry for me I'm alienated".

Yes, this is most definitely destructive, toxic, hurtful narcissism. The man needs therapy and the child needs therapy to deal with her pain.
"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2007, 11:34:04 AM »
Hi,  old friends and new posters.

I heard about the AB, recording and ran to the site to see if anyone was posting on this subject. So thank you for posting and just to comment on those that don't find intrest in certain post.
 This board is for you to get help part of that is to expect what you have to say may appeal to others more strongly than others and just move on if you don't hit a nerve. Getting hurt or being offended is a waste your time and does not benefit anyone.  This hit a nerve for me so thank you for posting.

I recently kept a letter from N, from my 14yo D regarding the frustration N-dad was having with her because she does not call or wright him like he expects her to. 

To bring those up to speed I was given full custody of our D almost 2 yrs ago and the courts found her N-Dad, was not to send her letters about his health or adult things as a 12 yo at the time she would not have the emotional maturity to be involved in knowing these things. So I check his letters and sometimes I let her read them and sometimes I don't.

When I heard the tape it hit a nerve for me , how my own D, if she had read this last letter would have understood just how much SHE had insulted him etc. She somehow was not cabable of picking up a pin to write him or call him.

As I hear the news people, talk about  AB, that he did go WAY over the line in calling his young daughter names.However, he was upset and this was a simple anger problem because of the divorce process.
I'm horrified wishing others  were more aware of the deep rooted N problem he has.
How HE was so insulted and how SHE was less than human. I would hope this gets blown into more awareness as a mental N-illness and not resolved with a temporary anger management class. I understand the fear the mother Kim, must have and  wanted others to understand.
So she was scream for othe to hear and know this may have been a mild outburst.
I felt this way when I was struggling for custody, I wanted the courts to understand the emotional abuse (never physical ) until the last days when he said he would stop me from moving to TX with a gun! You want others to understand how UN-beliveable the N can be.
Only if you have lived through life with an N can you image !

What she did was a cry for help to protect her daughter and herself.
Could you image what she was thinking the fear of his wrath and how to keep him from playing out his threats when he arrived for his young Ds, BIRTHDAY! 

Along with deaths in the Virginia Tech College, mental illness in this country needs to addressed.
I think if AB, is going to have a  Physic testing, he may play it different next time. He may be more passive aggressive or find away to get his anger across in time get his N out

My Ex even with the courts instructions to  him not to write harmful thoughts to my D, he behaves for awhile but his N behavior is so deep rooted he finds away to get his sick thoughts out to her.

My Ex can not see my D without first having a Physic Test done , that has not happened and I don't expect he will ever have it. He often tells D, he will see her when she is 18 yo.

I'm so sad for the VT families and pray there will be emotional healing soon.

My Dad is coming into town today for a 1st time visit busy and must go !

take care OR 


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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2007, 06:43:21 PM »
I do understand your fear and processing childhood trauma.
Sweet little Ireland will have a hard road .But I am sure there are gifts of wisdom and tenderness that will surly come her way.
I saw her mom Kim on a t.v. show once speaking of her panic attacks and the times she (Kim) did not wish to leave her home.(when married to mr. Balwin)
Surly Kim is trying to protect her child ...................what parent calls their 11 year old a pig???????
So hard to understand .....and sad...................

love to you GS

p.s your posts have helped me and I thank you .........



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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2007, 07:40:16 PM »
There are 2 topics here and I guess I wanted to address the 2nd one, too, as it is probably even more important than the surface one of "Alec Baldwin's rant". GS was triggered by it, as was I, as were many of us.

GS, you identify so much with Ireland, the daughter, on the receiving end of this n-istic spew.

That's the whole ball game here.

We are all here because this spew has touched us all. This is one huge media circus because it was caught on tape - something that most times went on behind the scenes, with no one to judge, no one to call as wrong.

GS, you were hurt so badly as a child and you probably never received the validation that Ireland is getting now. You deserve it just as much.

Sending you love, validation, hugs, and warmth. Something your N was incapable of.

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny

Gaining Strength

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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2007, 10:11:16 PM »
Dandylife - thankyou.  I haven't said anything here for a couple of days because I have been deeply touched and cannot possibly respond adequately and so I haven't figured out how to respond at all.  The most significant thing for me to say is that as I was writing the post in which I made the point of how isolated I felt I started to erase the whole thing before I posted.  I expected to get some responses that expressed irritation or frustration at my post but that didn't happen at all. 

At the same time I was taking in this whole remarkable thread I have been dealing with my N father for several hours a day for three days in a row.   It was a very strange juxtaposition of life.  The thing that has struck me most of all is that this is the first time in my life that I have been able to say I didn't get what I needed and the response I got was one of comfort and kindness and understanding.  I wasn't asking anyone to do things differently but I was just saying that I was saddened and yet so many dear kind people reached out.  I simply cannot get over it.  It is the most extraordinary thing I think I have ever experienced. 

I have experienced validation here that is beyond anything I could have imagined.  Thanks  - that doesn't really say much but no words can. - GS


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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2007, 10:44:20 PM »


It is the most extraordinary thing I think I have ever experienced. 




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Re: Baldwin calls daughter a "thoughtless little pig"
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2007, 10:46:42 PM »
Dandylife, thank you for your wisdom and kindness.
So grateful to you for your post here.

GS, I'm deeply happy to hear that you spoke, USED YOUR VOICE, in your 3-D life too.

That is wonderful!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."