GS, thank you for your kindness above. Especially because I was a bit 'short' with you elsewhere here, a few days ago, out of my own physical pain and sheer human foolishness. Thank you very, very much, for taking up the best of me, and letting the rest of me - rest. ((((()))))
Please don't despair regarding this topic. I think a lot of folks are close to overload, with all that has happened this week, especially the events in Virginia. And at least in my part of the world this episode with Baldwin has not been much broadcast or talked about.
I think this topic dovetails with the events in Virginia too. More and more information is coming out about the way the shooter was treated, in grade school, in high school, remorselessly and relentlessly bullied, and no adult ever did anything about it. Doesn't matter whether they lacked the guts or lacked the brains, what matters is that nobody ever did anything, with results that all can now see clearly today.
We can hope desperately that someone will now do something about it in the case of Baldwin's daughter, at least.
(((((((((CB))))))))) - can you get your boys cameraphones? Anything that puts this monster's behavior on record gives you leverage. Verbal testimony can be minimized and spun, but an actual recording is pretty hard to lie about and trivialize.
Edit in: GS, on a more personal note, I understand the feeling of 'twisting in the wind' when you put up a post and nobody, or almost nobody, responds. I end up pulling mine when that happens, because it only seems to happen when I've taken a real risk, exposed a real vulnerability, etc., and I'm not willing to do that unsupported. Not suggesting that you pull this thread by any means - just letting you know that I do know how you feel, but the evidence that would prove it is mostly not here because I've taken it down.
((((((((((MS)))))))))) you are so right... we are not alone. Not any longer. It's just that, sometimes, it still feels that way...