Small doses of self-pity for a limited period of time, especially for those of us used to putting aside our feelings for others is actually very healthy, and more often than not required.
interesting- I mentioned 'pity-party' to an acquaintance earlier and she said the same 'sounds like you need it'.
I can get myself into a very downward spiral if I give it free reign though, from experience.
Could it be that you're feeling a bit envious of your husband's seeming ability to be very happy about this break up at times, while you seem to be spiralling down into the depths of despair? (if I'm taking liberties here, please correct me).
I feel quite a strong twofold resentment:
1. why didn't he take steps to help himself before and not put me through so much ( even though I know it was only when I had enough and withdrew he would start to help himself it's not fair )
2. why have I had to be the one to take charge?
How bad was he going to let things get before he made a decision.
I'm not in despair jacmac, thanks for your concern; I'm actually more positive and healthy than for ever. But very upset.
I just don't think I know how to grieve really, what it's all about.
I read some stuff tonight on the internet, I think in the past my grief has gone round in circles.
My husband's current euphoria is drug-induced with a/d s. But he is enjoying the idea someone can help him. He says he didn't think anyone could; maybe he wasn't ready.
Part of my anger is that I should have withdrawn years ago.
I still feel mostly positive and je ne regrette rien...though that last line: aujord'hui ca commence avec toi- tomorrow beginning with you- is too much wishful thinking, and I decided I really must not jump right into a new relationship, even though I am terribly lonely and have been for years.
Thanks for the advice and grieving info, very helpful.