Hey Izzy,
Wanted to quote this but I hit send before I typed, but I can easily refer back because it's now right under where I'll be typing. You said you wanted opinions first, and I told you I'd come back to this, so here I am.
I can only really talk about this as it applies to myself and my mother. I have a very hard time with this one, because I try to put myself in my shoes and in her shoes, and this one is hard because I started emotionally running away from my mother at a very early age. Way back, when she habitually tried to tell me that our relationship was like it was because of me, and wanted to know what I was thinking, I thought she really wanted to hear me, and I tried to tell her how I had always felt so burdened by her emotionally for as long as I could remember. She became rather haughty, and said that I never was responsible for her. I would have liked to have heard even an impersonal apology- as in the pat- I'm sorry that you feel that way.
Now, as I have struggled to set limits once again with her overwhelming needs, I feel like I'm the one running away from her when she "needs" me. I'm an adult now, so I feel like I should (yeah- everyone I know- shoulding on myself) be able to find it in myself to try to meet some of her "needs" since she is end stage.
But back to the last line that you said really got to you- I'm not sure Izzy- am I giving my mother a gift? Am I just too N myself to just grow up already and try to be more giving?
When my mother pulled a really good one on me for the last time ( it was approx 2 years after her bypass surgery) and I let myself get sucked in again by the same old thing that our relationship problems were due to me because I never confided in her, all I wanted to talk about was the weather, etc. etc. I confided in her, and she turned around and used it as a way to harm me.
She could not believe that the havoc she caused came to light because she thought she could keep it under cover. But she did give me a gift, however unintentional, because I realized shortly after the situation was exposed- that the relationship problems were not all my fault because it was not my doing that I could not trust her.
I have forgiven her as in the sense of I seek no recompense. But I want to try to make sure I am not unconsciously being sadistic by setting limits. The only way I know how to try to accomplish that is to try to stay self-aware.
Izzy, I don't know if this helps you at all, but I know you have your own reasons that the whole piece, especially the last line , got to you, as you said.
cats paw