Something happened a couple days ago that upset me, and i only just figured out why.
A very nice, sweet, generous man revealed that he wants me to be his girlfriend.
i should be ecstatic; he's a true gentleman.
Thing is, i have no interest in him whatsoever beyond friendship.
Not even a tiny little bit.
After a little bit of thinking, i realised that the reason i'm not interested in him is, well,
because he's such a gentleman.
This was upsetting because it reinforced an already present knowledge that, considering the (often cruel) nature of the people i'm actually attracted to, i'm gonna lead a seriously unfulfilling, agonised life if i don't get these messed-up patterns sorted out.
So i googled "self-destructive relationships" and stumbled across this site.
After reading lots of the articles, i realised that there are some very beautiful words and some very understanding insights here.
There's definitely been a huge theme of "voice" related stuff in my life recently...
...mainly related to trying to teach myself to speak out, stop being so shy, stop being so terrified of my own social awkwardness and people's potential reactions to it...
Not that you'd guess there was any shyness problem by the length of this post, lol
Anyways, i'll stop talking everyone's ears off.

Off to read some posts now, but just wanted to say that this looks like a very good site, and perhaps i need to be here, if that's ok with everyone