-seek to be the center of attention
-use seduction (if confronted about seducing a therapist, etc, they will laugh it off vs becoming angry)
-game players
-rapid mood and thought switch
-use body to draw attention to themselves (strut like peacocks, like to look like they could have anything and anyone they want)
-competitive, one-upmanship
-"showy" in clothing
-use eye movements to manipulate
-very "wordy" speech patterns
-no guilt felt when he/she messes up
-grandiose (need to think he is most important)
-brags about accomplishments that are really not his own
-extremely empty inside, so he counters with boasting, sophisticated persona
-gives himself away (tells on self)
-Feels "I can't be like everyone else, so I have to be better, but I'm not really as good as everyone else."
-superficial "connections" with people vs real relationships
-often marry other narcissists
-have abandonment or perceived abandonment issues
-often insufficiently loved
-on one hand, they tell themselves they are worth loving, yet at the same time, believe eventually people will leave them---> self-sabatogers)
-seek power
-feel entitled "you OWE me" type of attitude becomes "everyone OWES me!"
-feels if you are on their side, you are ok, if not you are EVIL
-has no idea how to solve the problems they cause for themselves. Suffer backlash eventually but don't know how to get through it.
-has mother issues
-doesn't know how to relate deeply to people
-appears to need nobody, yet inside them, they are extremely needy!
-goes "flat" (like a deflated baloon) after a narcissistic injury, but then slowly inflates again to grandiose
-will bow down to authorities, yet treat people under them terrible
-make it look like they are close friends with the "king" so that they don't appear to be "under" anyone
-idealize- look up to people they wish they could be like or actually be, yet secretly resent those same people at the same time. Since they really resent the person, they must destroy them.
-avoids anything requiring a commitment
-won't get involved wiht a person unless they know that person likes them.
-doesn't trust many people
-over-sensitive to being shamed or embarassed
-constant fears of people criticizing and not liking them
-poor social skills
-do not exhibit bizarre behaviors like the Schizoid person does
-pathologically dependent and afraid
-clings because he sees a person as a "grounding force"
-irrational suspicions in excess
-no basis in reality for suspicions
-difficulty relating to others---> hostile
-often a sexual orientation issue attached