Hey all,
I kept hearing my older kids talk about this HBO Series but never paid attention to them.
It seems to be a Hit with the older kids *college*. I know they all watch it and say it's hysterical.
I don't know what kind of TV you all have but I have cable and on the HBO series my son put on *episode #37*
If you can get it I will *WARN YOU* it is explicit with words and pretty right out there blunt.
Holy Moley, this is an on going series so I really do not know what it's all about but one of the stars (man) is a narcissist.
He's a hollywood or actors Agent. I guess he had a major actor that had split with the Agent and he was having narcissist injury. Which made him go a little off wack.
Him and his wife has been in therapy before and this therapist happens to be the 7th one they are seeing..
This show is a comedy and the kids think it's hysterical.
There's a part where the wife and husband is in the therapist office and the therapist is asking them question.
It went something like this but not exactly cause I don't remember,
He says black the same time she is saying white, she says yes the same time he is saying no, she says she's upset, he'll say he's not or she's not.
You know the deal. My son was laughing I was identifying.
The narcissist has to fire someone at his job which was his most favorite thing to do. The guy came in and the narcissist was trying to fire him and the guy had just had eye surgery and something happend to his wife, then he went on about something else happening and the narcissist could not fire him and told him to go back to work.
Another coworker who I believe was a female narcissist came in and said you couldn't do it could you. Your losing your touch, Your weak, you have no Nards but alot more explicit them what I'm saying.
The narcissist starts to freak and runs to the therapist office. She is not there and out playing golf. He's nasty to the receptionist when she will not tell him where the therapist is playing golf, so he rips out his check book and says I'll pay you 5000 right now to tell me where she is. She does and he goes to the golf course where the therapist told him he should not be there. He ignores her and says he's having a melt down. She gives him 5mins. He starts to tell her he lost his touch and could not fire this guy cause of all his problems and is freaking out. She said so you had compassion, made him mad.
He said something else and she said you have empathy made him more mad. She starts to leave and says something about her boundaries and he let lose, You cheap dime store therapist, bla bla bla, He started to devalue her. Feels better now and goes back and verbally abuse's everyone and fires the guy. He felt back to normal now.
Did anyone ever see this show? Or this episode?
If you find it I will Warn You it is explicit in language